Friday, October 18, 2019

1st Mini-MUN

Mini-MUN 1

Today, Oct. 18th, American School is holding the first Mini-
MUN, where they are gonna have the chance to embrace the diplomacy protocols and formal international relations of nations that are part of the UN.

Following, you will read the speech by a student in Step 9, María José Durán Calle:

Good morning, honorable members of the chair, distinguished delegates, and others present here in this committee.

First, the delegation of DPRK wants to clarify that it doesn't wish any evil for anyone present and is willing to establish a dialogue to try to find a mutual solution that can bebefit all the nations here present.

Also, the delegation of DPRK wants to stay  that it won't stop making bombs but they will  be only used if any nation attacks because with them it can defend the country and also protect the safety of its citizens,

The DPRK delegation only wants to protect its citizens and it is like it was mentioned before, it wants to reach a mutual agreement with all nations, since the security of its citizens, mainly in armed conflicts, is one of the most important things for North Korea.

The delegation of the DPRK is willing to defend those nations
that ask for its help, in case of need to protect its citizens.

To conclude, the delegation of DPRK wants to state that the intervention of the nation inside this committee will be continuous and with the sole intent of reaching a favorable agreement for all.

Thank you very much.