Friday, November 3, 2023

Book Report: Journey To The Center Of The Earth


Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Jules Verne

Published: November 25th, 1864 

Genre: Science Fiction 


Von Hardwigg is a professor that is passionate about science and discovering the Earth’s wonders with the help of his nephew. While they were checking some books, there was a paragraph written in a strange language that they couldn’t decipher. When they did, it talked about how you could get to the center of the earth through some tunnels. With a lot of excitement the professor decided on getting to the center of the earth despite all the challenges it was going to include. His nephew and himself didn’t hesitate to start packing after finding out the exact location of said tunnels.

Having sailed to Iceland (the country where the tunnels are found) they arrived at the governor's house with amusement and hoped to get to a volcano where they would definitely find these tunnels. The governor gave them his knowledge and a guide called Hans that was an expert of this  country. With no time to lose they embarked on their adventure that was going to take them around 8 days to get to the volcanoes.

After a couple hours, they had reached the top with the help of some icelanders and had now to descend a very rocky path. They had to use the help of a rope in order to not lose themselves in the dusty abyss. When they reached the bottom they jumped with excitement discovering 3 tunnels written by Saknessum . The unbelieved scripture was becoming truer, but they had to discover the right tunnel first. They waited for the midday to come to reflect the sun and so they found the one. The tiring journey kept going until they had to take a stop as they reached the end once again. They went back to go into the western tunnel. Axel was discussing going back, but his uncle convinced him and he went on the journey once again. With a dying thirst, Hans found a river that would be their source of water. They lost Axel; however, he found his way back and then they found a sea where they could sail.

They start finding wildlife in a nearby forest along with extinct species fighting and they ride a little wood boat made by hans. Following their sailing, they’re caught in a storm that starts affecting them, yet not enough to halt their journey. Going onward, they start to find different kinds of fossils including species and humans. Then, they visualize signals indicating Saknussemm was in fact previously there. They keep finding monsters, weird creatures and exotic plants. After getting past a rock barrier, they are pushed by a volcanic eruption back to the surface of the earth landing on Stromboli. The professor now becomes famous for publishing his journey to the center of the earth.

Author’s purpose

In our point of view we consider that Jules Verne's purpose was to entertain, since the book captures the imagination and stimulates the intellect. While reading this book the author puts the reader’s imagination on an exciting adventure to explore the world. Another purpose might be to engage the reader's curiosity.


We deeply enjoyed the adventures and discoveries that the three of them overcame. We consider that this book is a must-read for fanatics of classic and hilarious adventures and science fiction genre. The author did an exquisite job at combining science and literature, making an enjoyable book to read. Overall we can say that the book written by Jules Verne is an excellent piece of literature that can reach a wide audience.


Professor Von Hardwigg

  • Central character of the story. He is a passionate and impulsive geologist who found an ancient manuscript with a coded message on it, moreover this message leads him to believe that there exists a route to the center of the earth. Harwigg is intent on embarking on this mysterious journey.


  • Axel is the nephew of Professor Von Hardwigg, besides he is also the narrator of the story. He is more careful and doubtful than his uncle, however he’s after some time persuaded to accompany him on the journey. Axel provides contrast with his uncle’s impulsive and adventurous nature.


  • Icelandic guide and hunter that joins Professor Von Hardwigg and Axel on their journey. Apathetic and authentic character, known for his courage and resourcefulness, furthermore he helps the group to navigate through the challenging terrains.


  • Housekeeper and caretaker of Professor Von Hardwigg and Axel. She ensures for the safety and health of the two men, providing a sense of domestic stability.

By: Andrea Salgado, Silvana Calvo,
and Victoria Merchan, Step 9