Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tommy's Disgrace: When Horror Touches You


There was a guy named Tommy, who was normal: he went to school, he had a lot of friends and a good family, but… one day when he went to school, on the window there was a weird man looking at him, with a black jacket and a white mask. When he blinked, the weird man disappeared, Tommy thought that was a dream but it wasn’t a dream, that was real. Then he said “that was creepy, but I think that it was just a dream”.

In the next morning instead of going to the school, Tommy stayed in home because he felt sick, he was alone in the house… without anyone; however, Tommy wasn’t scared of being alone in the house, until he saw one more time the same man on the window of his house, he blinked again and he disappeared.

Tommy ran to his room and he hid under his bed until his parents came.  When his parents came to the house, he told him about what was happening to him, Tommy told him “dad, mom, there’s a strange man that I think is following me, he has a black jacket with a white mask”.

Their parents looked at each other, they took a deep breath and an realized that the same description was about his criminal neighbor, they told him that was a man who killed people years ago, but they were just kids the people he killed, he followed the kids to their school’s, to their house and then he kidnapped them and killed them to sell the kids organs. 

The thing was that he told Tommy’s parents that he was going to get  revenge for telling the police what he was doing, so his parents decided that they had to move out of the country but when they were packing they knocked on the door and threw a stone at the window, Tommy's parents said "it's here", Tommy was in the bathroom just at that moment and the his parents heard a scream on the second floor, that was Tommy's scream, the parents ran upstairs like crazy and saw that their son was gone, they immediately called the police and remembered that Tommy never leaves his cell phone and has the tracker on They searched for them there and located the place. The policemen managed to arrive just in time when Nestor was going to kill Tommy, they managed to save him and Nestor went back to jail but this time for life.

Days later they decided to move to another country to prevent other bad things. Tommy got a new school, new friends, new house.

But one day they were watching television and they saw that Nestor escaped from jail and that he left a message for Tommy's family that said "Do you really think they're going to get rid of me so easily?, see you in Israel"... right there it was where they moved in.

By Sofía Gutiérrez, Step 9