Tuesday, September 12, 2023



It was a night like any other night the moon was full in the sky the stars were shining, a wealthy family was passing by in a carriage as they normally did but suddenly, lightning struck from the cloudy sky hitting some stones that were on the road which fell on the carriage destroying it while a homeless man watched with his wife the homeless man named Stephen Brandom took advantage of the situation to steal the family's valuables, Outside the destroyed carriage he saw the remains of the driver and the entrails of the horses when Mr. Brandom entered the carriage he could see the remains of a lady and a baby, the baby's cries woke up the baby's father, John Jostrey, who misunderstood the situation and told the man that he was eternally grateful to him. 

Years passed and the baby was already a 14 year old teenager who lived with his father John Jostrey, they were a family with a lot of money living in the luxurious Jostrey mansion which had 4 floors and their respective servants, Jonathan (he is the teenager) lived a life of luxury. But always in a story there are two sides of the coin. Stephen Brandom lived under a bridge with his wife and his son Deo Brandom who had to see how his father murdered his mother for food and had to eat her flesh even if it was raw. Deo's conditions were deplorable since when he was 14 years old he poisoned his father to make him suffer, he was about to die and told him to go to the Jostrey's mansion because the owner of the mansion owed him a favor.

When Deo arrived at the Jostrey mansion John welcomed him with open arms, saying that if it were up to his father he would be dead. Deo was very "proud" that he admired his father, which was not true, he was a despicable person who told Deo that to succeed in life you have to cheat others, This word stayed in Deo's thoughts, Deo's plan was to finish with the Josterys and take the mansion and its riches but for that they would have to finish with John and Jonathan, Deo's plan was to finish with Jonathan emotionally so that he would not suspect when he poisoned his father.

 After John greeted Deo, Jonathan went to greet him with his dog. Deo took advantage of this moment to kick the dog while they were running towards him and Jonathan asked him what was wrong and Deo said he thought the dog was going to attack him. Jonathan didn't believe that because his dog wasn't aggressive so he became suspicious of him and now the dog wouldn't let Deo sleep so Deo decided to put him in the oven outside the house and burn him alive when the servants arrived, John and Jonathan found out that something was burning it was too late the dog had already been burned to death.

This incident broke Jonathan's mental stability for several years, which Deo took advantage of.

When they both turned 18 years old, Deo's plan began but Jonathan guessed that Deo was up to something, he said so when Deo gave him tea to his father and he started to get sick. Deo gave him tea every day and Jonathan realized when he started to investigate how Deo's father died and realized that he had the same symptoms. 

When Deo was giving him tea, Jonathan hit him saying he knew what he was planning but he doesn't have the evidence to prove it but when he finds it he will call the police. Frustrated and afraid Deo realized he had to finish Jonathan first, Jonathan told the assistants not to let Deo get close to Mr. John while he was looking for a cure for the poison.

Frustrated Deo went to the bar to let off some steam as he drunkenly left the bar he found a homeless man with a very strange book. Deo thought it was most likely the effect of the alcohol so he went to pick a fight with him insulting him but when he turned around the man did not look human at that moment Deo felt the true terror that person possessed super human strength and an unimaginable resilience. Deo was about to die but the humanoid began to disappear because it was dawn leaving the book in Deo's hands realizing that they were writings from hell that gave you powers of a demon but you could never see the sunlight again at that moment Deo came up with something to kill Jonathan and John.

When Jonathan gave the story to his father, John called the police to arrest Deo. 

When Deo arrived at the house he was greeted by the police. John and Jonathan the police told him not to move or they would shoot him. Deo with a risky action took out the book and read the spell so he could have demonic powers but the cops shot him when he took out the book Deo was dead everybody believed that for about 5 minutes but Deo got up cooked and killed the cops. leaving his adoptive father and his brother (John and Jonathan) he ripped John's head off and Jonathan asked him why he was doing this which Deo answered with a barking dog saying that's what Jonathan's dog did leaving him petrified by what he just said Deo cut open Jonathan's stomach eating even though he was with him. 

Deo stayed in the castle alone, eating every human that came near the castle.

By Manuel Ríos, Step 9