Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Possessed Teacher


Chapter 1

Once upon a time at a  school in L.A, there was a teacher whose name was Caroline, who was the history teacher, and on April 12th, 2023, she was teaching her class as currently, but suddenly, she started acting abnormally in the middle of her class. First, she started convulsing, then she did a 180 degree turn and started screaming. So the students decided to evacuate the classroom because she stood on 4 legs and, all of a sudden, she started to follow them. As a result, the students called another teacher immediately. His name was Jose, the teacher started calling an ambulance and as soo as 5 minutes had passed, the ambulance hadn't arrived yet.

As a result of the ambulance being delayed, the students started to throw objects at Caroline but that strategy didn't result. Also the security guard tried to paralyze her with a taser, but it didn't help either. After 25 minutes, finally the ambulance arrived, the paramedics tied up Caroline and they gave her a sedative.

While they were heading towards the hospital, Caroline woke up, she started to speak in Latin even so with a different voice. The paramedics were very scared, so much was their fear that they decided to give her a double  sedative dose, but it didn’t work. They were really close to the hospital; however, it was not possible to control her. 5 minutes later, when they arrived in the hospital, the Doctor started asking, what did she have? And the paramedic said that she was convulsing, and she had a strange behavior. 

Chapter 2

 When the doctor finished the exams they determined that Carlonie was healthy, they began to wonder what she could have. They barely said that phrase. The lights turned on and off, Caroline stood on 4 legs again, she began to squirm. The Doctors were very scared, what they didn't  know was what else to do, they decided to call a cure.

Soon the priest arrived,  immediately the cure started to pray, and sprinkle holy water. When Caroline appeared Abe seemed to be possessed by a demon, until the cure got closer Caroline got more violent. The cure said that he couldn’t do an exorcism, he needed permission from the bishop. After a while, the bishop besieged. As a consequence of that, the cure decided to tie her up with the help of the doctors, taking Caroline to the church to continue the exorcism. At the same time that the cure opened the Bible, began to a black smoke began to come out from the walls. It should be noted that the priest was not alone, he was accompanied by a bishop. Without his  help, the cure couldn't have finished the exorcism.continue with the exorcism some shadows appeared; in addition,  they began to hear wear voice, such as abnormal, especially when they were to end the exorcism Carline opened her mouth a black shadow began to come out. Undoubtedly, when that finished coming out, Caroline felt very calm, indeed after that event, she decided to take therapy because she was very affected. Today's 3 August 2023 Caroline took the decision to continue exercising with his profession, with the help of his therapy he knows how to move on.

Chapter 3

From the last therapy Caroline takes, everything was going very well. Although since yesterday, 4 September of 2023 has come presenting those sintoms again, which are convulsions, outbursts of anger and more. The next day, In her therapy it was triggered again, she started to scream, this time her behavior was worsening, destroying the office of the psychologist. Caroline hurts the psychologist, destroys the door and throws everything on the floor. The psychologist started to scream OMG what’s wrong with you?. The psychologist has the number of the cure, so she decided to call him.

The reverend arrived, he couldn’t catch her unless he hit her on the head, when the cure calmed Caroline tried to perform  the exorcism again, he started with the process, from one moment to another, Caroline started to levitate in the air. This time it wasn’t  just black shadows that protruded from the walls. A demonic entity manifested and started to tell him to  leave  him alone, the cure started to pray and Caroline began to squirm. At the end the priest finished the exorcism with success, and he gave Caroline a blessed bracelet.

To be continued…

By Clara Navarro, Step 9