Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Void


It was a day like any other, I woke up, ate, brushed my teeth, took a shower, the usual. But something just felt off, I can't explain it but I got this strange feeling I've never felt before telling me something was extremely wrong. I decided to ignore it so I went on with my day. At 9 AM I left my house to go to work and came back at around 5:40. The moment I stepped foot into my house that deep sense of inescapable dread I felt that morning came back, I tried to ignore it again but it was impossible to, so I decided to watch TV to get my mind off it, watching TV somewhat stopped it, but in the back of my mind, that feeling was still there. 

It was around 11 PM when I decided to go to bed, but while I was sleeping something knocked on my door at around 2 am, I jumped out of my bed wondering what that was and why someone in their right mind would come to my house at such a time, so I came downstairs and asked "Who is it?", no response, I asked again "Who is it?" And then I heard it, a voice that made my soul itself shake, it didn't sound human, not human at all, it sounded as if something was trying to imitate basic human dialect in some creepy distorted way, then it said

 "Open the door please",

 I asked who it was then


At that point I was scared out of my mind, I was about to ask again who the hell the person knocking on my door was, when it knocked again and again and again, after all the knocking it said in that same inhumane voice 

"please….. please…. please…. please.. please please please please PLEASEEEE”

Right then I thought I was getting pranked by someone, so I told whoever was outside I was going to call the police if they didn't leave my house.

It didn't care, then it started scratching my door, knocking, kicking it and desperately pleading with me to let it in, then it let out the most gut-wrenching scream I ever had the displeasure of hearing in my entire life. I fell to the floor, and called the police, all the while that "thing" was still knocking on my door.

Half an hour later the police arrived, I told them the whole thing about the knocking, the voice and the screaming behind my door. They wrote everything down and searched the premises of my house, nothing, all they could find were the scratch marks on my door so they told me to call if what happened now ever happened again.

I thought that was the end of it, how naive I was. After the police investigation, I went back to bed thinking nothing like that would never happen again. I only slept for about half an hour when I heard something rustling through my room, not knocking on my door this time.

I didn't want to open my eyes at first, yet the sound was getting so loud, I just had to. 

Little did I know opening my eyes would be the worst thing I could've done…

The second I opened my eyes, I saw it, saw that "thing", standing right before me… looking at me… from above, I froze, I couldn't move at all. It was just staring at me…. doing nothing ... a huge creature that was easily 6 feet tall, donning a fully black hood, it also had pale skin, but the only skin that could be seen was its white, empty face. 

That wasn't the end of it however, that monster had black eyes, no pupils, just a black empty void that was dead set on staring at me, doing nothing else, it didn't speak, didn't move, didn't even breathe, it just… kept… looking…

I wanted to run, however, I was laying down on my bed with that thing right above me, I asked myself how did it get in, Then it clicked. The moment I opened the door for the police when they came to investigate, that monster must have gone inside my house, now I was alone with it. I closed my eyes hoping it would leave, it didn't.

I had to do something, so I somehow managed to kick it, after I did that the thing let out that same ungodly scream it let out before. I ran, the fastest I ever did in my life, the thing chased me out of my own house.I ran to the police station and told them to search the inside of my house, but when we got there, it was gone, nothing was left, as if it was deleted out of reality. 

I'm living somewhere else now, yet I still get that same feeling I got that day every once in a while, the monster that tormented me hasn't been spotted since, but fear every day that it might want to "visit" me again.

The end

By Daniel Lorza, Step 9