Tuesday, September 12, 2023

HORROR STORY: The Unknown Could Dwell In Ourselves.

In the deep darkness of the night, a chilling wind whispered through the desolate forest, sending shivers down my spine. I cautiously stepped through the eerie mist, my heart pounding with every step.

As I ventured further into the unknown, the moon intermittently peeked through the dense clouds, casting an eerie glow on the twisted branches and gnarled trunks. The sensation of being watched consumed me, my imagination running wild with terrifying possibilities.

Suddenly, I heard a low, guttural growl emanating from behind a nearby bush. My body froze in fear as my mind raced to comprehend the source of the ominous sound. With trembling hands, I peered into the darkness, desperately seeking any sign of movement.

Then, as if to torment my very soul, a pair of glowing eyes emerged from the shadows. Its blood-red gaze pierced through the night, capturing my every breath. Fear coursed through my veins like a venomous serpent, paralyzing me in its dreaded grip.

Frantically, I attempted to retreat, my feet stumbling over fallen branches and unseen obstacles. But in that sinister place, escape seemed unattainable, as if some malevolent force held me captive in this nightmare.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling howl echoed through the forest, reverberating in my ears. It felt as if the very trees themselves were crying out in anguish, a symphony of terror that pierced my soul. I knew at that moment that my every instinct screamed for survival.

With a surge of adrenaline, I broke into a desperate run, my heart pounding like a relentless drum. However, every step forward seemed to be mirrored by an unseen force, as if the darkness itself conspired to keep me trapped in its merciless embrace.

Through the suffocating mist, I could hear the menacing growls drawing closer, their intensity increasing with every passing moment. Panic overtook me, driving my legs faster, pushing me to the brink of exhaustion.

But just as I thought I could no longer endure, a dim light appeared in the distance. It flickered like a guiding beacon, guiding me towards a sliver of hope. With a renewed burst of energy, I sprinted towards it, praying for salvation from the horrors that pursued me.

Reaching the light, I discovered an old, dilapidated cabin hidden among the trees. With trembling hands, I desperately turned the rusty doorknob, praying for sanctuary from the terrors that stalked me.

As the door creaked open, casting a faint ray of light into the darkness, I stepped inside, leaving the horrors of the night behind. However, deep down, I knew I would never truly escape the haunting memories of that night, forever etched into my terrified psyche.

In that cursed forest, I learned that some fears dwell not only in the shadows, but also deep within ourselves. And even now, as I sit in the safety of my own home, the echoes of that night continue to haunt me, a chilling reminder that some nightmares can never truly be forgotten.

By Juan Manuel Jiménez G., Step 9