Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Machine That Won The War: Essay.

 How is deception present in this story?How does the media contribute to keep deception as part of an orchestrated manipulation of the reality, and even much more during wars?

Connect these questions to this story's plot.

This story is about the future of the earth, which has just won a great war against an enemy race, the Denebians.

We see three men looking at a large computer called Multivac, they are debating who really won the war for the land: whether or not it was the giant strategy computer known as Multivac, or the men in charge of doing the maneuvers and programming the computer.

Henderson explained that some of the Multivac data might not have been reliable because the large computer was able to create a direct battle in which ground forces could be used to attack their enemies.

If the media had immediately reported Henderson's hypothesis, according to the tests, they would report relevant and reliable data; howver, by waiting for the media to report, after the author demonstrated the deception, by changing the configuration of the machine without anyone knowing, he said that it was then reliable information, logically talking at that point, so it becomes a manipulated information, since it was not with real and truthful data.

Here the hypothesis is demonstrated, that computers are not wrong, the errors are caused by humans, since the settings and data captures are made by human beings, prone to make errors and believing in intiution. 

By Jazmin Ruíz, Step 9 Yellow