Thursday, June 3, 2021

My Poem's Analysis

 Drunk Party

Welcome to the party!

Here we all are dancing,

Also some are chatting,

And the ones with friends are laughing.

She drinks water,

Because being drunk is a slaughter,

“Tastes weird” thought her,

But she ignored it.

Hours later because of music she was dazed,

Didn’t know where she was placed,

Ding dong was the only thing she heard,

Her body felt like sward in the yard.

She was so hungry that could eat a horse,

She woke up and walked inside the house,

She entered and saw the glass running as a mouse,

She couldn’t control her body so she danced.

Her reflect in the mirror was unfamiliar, 

So she was scared,

But didn’t know how to escape,

Now the lights are turning red.

“Wake up, wake up” said voices inside her head,

Hardly opened her eyes and was in her bed,

Probably her dream turned into a nightmare,

No, why does her hair smell like beer?









By Nicolle Madiedo, Step 9 Blue