Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Effects of On-line Dating: An Essay

This is a topic that where we have a lot to talk about because right now in the worldwe have internet, electronic devices like cellphones, computers, tablets etc. This can be a problem in one way, but one solution in another.

It can be a problem because it poses a lot of danger, you are talking with a person that you don’t know anything about, and yes, they can be good a people, gentlemen, good women etc., but also you are in danger if they are not, they can be rapists, kidnappers, murderers, crazy people, or sexual predators.

In a certain way, it is a solution for timid people who find it difficult for them to interact with others, who are unable to make social ties, but obviously, they also run with the other risks already mentioned.

To make clear, this would be the decision of each person, since all things have good and bad sides.  The one who is exposed already knows it and must take care of himself or better in my on thinking, it would be a way to improve that shyness, always aware of the possible cons.

By Antonio de la Ossa C., Step 10