Thursday, May 27, 2021

On-line Dating Essay

With the rise of technology and the Internet, people all around the world are connected to the network. In recent years, people have tried to find their significant other, with dating apps installed on their devices. The most popular dating app is Tinder. With apps like these, it’s easier to find people that might be your type and live a happy life together. But is that as good as we think?

As of September 2019, Tinder has 7.9 MILLION users, and it is expected for the numbers to rise considerably, which it has, and a lot. As of February 2021, the number of users went from 7.9 million to 57 million users, from all around the world. And according to statistics, the majority of users are adults that vary from 18 years old all the way to 44 years old. This shows that people who use dating apps like this are looking for their soulmate, and apparently, some are desperate enough to use these kinds of apps instead of going out in real life.

Like relationships, online dating requires trial and error, facing rejections and ghosting. This affects people in many ways: Online dating could cause mental harm, lower your self-esteem, increase indecisiveness, loneliness, etc. Even though these effects are bad, online dating could also help social anxiety, since it helps you communicate with others, and it makes you feel safe and free when talking to a person you like.

In conclusion, here are other things that could harm people within dating apps. Of course, since dating apps are accessible to everyone, there’s bound to be dangers. One of them, and probably the biggest one, is the creation of fake accounts. Fake accounts have been a problem ever since the internet became available to most of the world, and dating apps aren’t safe from this. You could come across a very nice person inside the web, but on the other side of the screen, something far more sinister could be hiding… so, is on-line dating good? With the things mentioned before, we can’t say for certain that it is.

By Angello Martínez, Step 10