Thursday, May 27, 2021

How Nature's Anger Is Seen Through The Eyes of Native Americans


Theme:The theme of the story is how to make sure if that friend is really a good friend.

Tone:The tone of the narrator in the story is normal but when Mrs. Water got angry she changed the tone of voice to anger.

Mood:Well, at the beginning everything was good and Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Water were talking calmly but in the end the story got a little cloudy.

conflict:Well, the conflict in history is when Mrs. Water killed the children of Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Water did not know where they were.

conflict, internal and external

internal: Is when Mrs. Water feels super desperate for the children of Mrs. Wind because they bothered a lot and I did not know what to do and external is when Mrs. Water drowned the children of Mrs. Wind when they went to drink water.

man vs man:The man vs man in the story is when Mrs. Wind did not know that Mrs. Water had killed her chillun.

man vs society:Man vs society is when the sons fought not to choke and also when the mother found out that Mrs. Water had choked them.

man vs nature:man vs nature is when Mrs. Wind said that the white waves that formed where her children were or used to be.

resolution:The resolution is when Mrs. Water realized that her friend had killed her children and that Mama Wind said that the waves that formed where her children were.

own resolution:Is that when the children were drinking water and Mrs. Water felt a very great evil but she could refrain herself since they were the children of her best friend, so she held back and did not hurt them and they lived happily ever after.

5 questions

1.Why does Mrs Water kill the children of Mrs Wind?

2.What is man vs man in the story?

3.What is the theme in the story?

4.What is the internal conflict in the story?

5.What is the mood of this story? 

By Fernando Manjarrés, Step 8 Yellow