Thursday, May 27, 2021

An Essay To Reflect


Relationships are a beautiful thing, right? Well, we all imagine a blue prince or a gorgeous princess to come into our lives and become our partner for the rest of our lives; we imagine super cute and simple or very fancy and expensive dates, sharing what we like the most, share what we are passionate about, our dreams, receiving gifts just because but most importantly receive love from the other person. Unfortunately it is not like that for everybody. 

In some relationships, hate and feeling superior to the other person is what matters. Sadly, most of the victims in these relationships are Women. It is still very natural for women to believe that they can achieve the highest possible level of self-actualization only by being engaged in a strong spiritual bond with their romantic partner. But what happens if the bond is really strong but your partner is really violent?

It’s hard to hear but women that stay in this type of relationships are used to these violent and aggressive behaviors from men whether it is from their family members or other partners. Women who experienced lasting involvement in destructive relationships draw several reasons why they could not just break up even if they felt the necessity of this step. Most victims were afraid that their abusive partner would kill them or cause any bodily harm. Besides, some women depend on their partner’s money or accommodations too much to give up and fall to the lower social class.

Everyone thinks “why can’t they just leave and be happy outside of that relationship?” well as we can see it is not easy, By understanding the many barriers that stand in the way of a woman leaving an abusive relationship (be it psychological, emotional, financial or physical threats) all we can do is support and empower women into taking the best decision which is leave the relationship and seek or get help to heal and start a fresh and happy new life. 

"To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with."
Mark Twain

By Nashla Puerta, Step 10