Thursday, May 27, 2021

Brer Possum’s Dilemma


By Jackie Torrence 

Setting: Back in the days when the animals could talk, Ol’ Brer Snake was in a big hole. 


  • Brer Possum 

  • Ol’ Brer Snake 



Brer possum was a fine feller. He liked to help others, and the case of Ol 'Brer Snake was not going to be the exception.

Rising Action 

Brer possum walked through the persimmon trees and, while he was hanging between the trees, he saw a big hole in the middle of the road and saw Ol 'Brer Snake with a brick


As Ol 'Brer Snake needed help to get out and he knew that Brer Possum would help whoever needed it, so he started yelling at him for help. After an argument, Brer Possum took him out of the big hole and Ol's Brer Snake asked him for another favor...

Falling Action 

The other thing I wanted was to be in Brer possum's pocket to catch "heat", since it was very cold in the hole. To which he answered with a resounding "no", because he was afraid that he would bite him, but he had the reputation of helping everyone, so he decided to take it with him.


After a long walk, Ol 'Brer Snake was still in Brer Possum's pocket and suddenly he comes out and tells him that he is going to bite him. Somewhat indignant Brer Possum tells him all the good things he did for him, and that he would receive nothing good in return.

Theme: Trusting the wrong people for wanting to do good.

Mood: Expectant, interested and concerned

Tone:  Sarcastic, informal and liar tone. 

Voice: 3rd omniscient person. 


The conflict is external, because it was mainly between the Brer Possum and Ol’ Brer Snake. 

Man vs. Man

The conflict between the Brer Possum and Ol’ Brer Snake, when he wanted to leave the big hole with the help of the Brer Possum, but he was arguing because he was afraid of being bitten by him. 

Man vs. Society

Brer Possum used to help all animals, and to maintain his reputation and legacy he decided to help Ol 'Brer Snake. 

Man vs. Supernatural 

Animals could talk like humans. 

Man vs. Self 

Brer Possum's need to help others, as the title says, was his dilemma.

Man vs. Nature 

The big hole, where the Ol 'Brer Snake get caught. 

Ending By Myself… 

After Brer Possum has pulled Ol 'Brer Snake out of the big hole, he doesn't bite him, rather they become very close friends. Ol 'Brer Snake wanted to change the rumors that he was a bad animal, so he created a group with Brer Possum to help those in need 24 hours a day. His group was called “The Brer's in action”. They became close friends, and created a small shelter to take care of animals in need. 

The end… 


By Valerie Cuello, Step 8 Yellow