Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Folk Tale Analysis

 Why the Waves Have Whitecaps 

Zora Neale Hurston 

Setting: Conversation between the wind and the water in the ocean. 


  • Mrs. Wind. 

  • Mrs. Water. 

  • Each one's chilluns. 



They introduced the wind and the water as friends while they were talking in the ocean very peacefully.

Rising Action 

Mrs. Water tells Mrs. Wind that she was proud of her children and exhibited them wonderfully for her eyes, but not for Mrs. Wind's. 


Mrs. Wind's chillun goes to Mrs. Water because he was thirsty, but since Mrs. Water was somewhat tired of hearing Mrs. Wind talked about her children all the time, she took her son and completely disappeared him. 

Falling Action 

Mrs. Wind sees that her chillun does not appear, so she goes to look for him but cannot find him and Mrs. Water tells her that she had not seen him.


Mrs. Wind clearly knew that her chillun had gone to her, therefore they began to fight and every time a storm appeared, it was because the two of them argued.

Theme: Each action has its reaction. 

Mood: Revengeful, doubtful and mysterious. 

Tone:  Calm, impatient and expectant. 

Voice:  Omniscient 3rd person. 


Man vs. Self

The envy that Mrs. Water had of Mrs. Wind because her chilluns had more qualities than hers, which made her make a fatal mistake.

Man vs. Man 

The fight between the two of them over the disappearance of the children of Mrs. Wind, who should be where Mrs. Water, which caused a storm to be created.

Man vs. Society 

Mrs. Water killed Mrs. Wind's children thanks to jealousy and envy.

Man vs. Supernatural 

That the two elements that are water and wind, were personified as humans in the story, thus showing us Mrs. Water and Mrs. Wind.

Man vs. Nature

The storm caused by the war between Mrs. Water and Mrs. Wind. 

Ending By Me…

As we know, in the story they give us a terrible ending, because both hated each other since Mrs. Wind's children had disappeared because of Mrs. Water … But what if we give it a different ending? Instead of Mrs. Water taking Mrs. Wind's chillums, she talks to her and tells her how bad and boring it was while she hears about her chillums all the time. But Mrs. Wind decided not to listen to her and ignore (ignored) her, that's why Mrs. Water left where she was, but she realized that wherever she went she was going to find her, so she made a hole in the middle of the earth to not see her anymore, and together with all their animals, they dug and dug until they never had to see the wind again. After 8 years, she got bored of being alone and decided to go back to where she lived, next to Mrs. Wind … She realized that she was very old and took advantage of the time that they had left to live happily, while each one’s chillums took the throne of wind and water.

By Valerie Cuello, Step 8 Yellow