Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Folk Tale Retold By Zora Neale Hurston

 Why The Waves Have Whitecaps

  • Setting: A Sea (or maybe other ecosystem with water).

  • Characters: Mrs. Wind, Mrs. Water and their chilluns.

  • Plot:

  • Exposition: The story begins with Mrs. Wind and Mrs, as best friends, telling each other everything, and always talking about their chillun.

  • Rising Action: One day, when Mrs. Water was talking about her chillun, Mrs. Wind interrupts her and begins to brag about hers but in a louder voice, implying that she was superior and that her children were better. This upset Mrs. Water a lot and made her start to hate her friend.

  • Climax: One day Mrs. Wind's chillun went down into the water because it was thirsty. Mrs. Wind, blinded by her rage and envy, decided to drown the son of her enemy.

  • Falling Action: Worried, Mrs. Wind decides to go find her chillun, but Mrs. Water lies to her saying that she hasn’t seen it. She went through the ocean looking for her chillun and every time she called it a set of white feathers would come to the surface. And this is how the white caps were created, when the white feathers of the lost babies went to the surface being called by their mother.

  • Resolution: From so much fighting, Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Water created a storm, and all this to fight for their children and to brag about them.

  • Conflict: In this story the man vs. self is reflected in Mrs. Water's envy of Mrs. Wind for speaking and showing off her chilluns. The man vs. man is seen when both, Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Water come into conflict and go from being friends and telling each other everything, to being enemies and fighting. The man vs. society is seen when Mrs. Wind's chillun goes down into the water because it was thirsty, and out of her envy, Mrs. Water drowns it. The man vs. nature is when both, Mrs.Wind and Mrs.Water, from so much fighting over their chilluns, make storms, and also when the white caps come out in the waves, representing the feathers of lost babies when their mother calls them. Finally the man vs. superpower occurs when they both talk, fight, say that they "have chilluns", when obviously this is not possible, it’s basically a supernatural ability that they have in history.

  • Theme: ‘’Don't trust everyone, you never know when you'll get stabbed in the back.’’ // ‘’Do not act to show off, act to enjoy without making the other feel inferior.’’

  • Voice: 3rd person omniscient.

  • Mood: Calm, surprised and suspenseful.

  • Tone: Informal, respectful and unclear because of some vocabulary and different expressions.

Ending Changed

  • At the end of the story, Mrs. Water admitted that she had been responsible for the disappearance of the chilluns, for which they had a horrible fight. Because of this, a tsunami swept through the city. Missing people, destroyed houses and buildings, homeless people. Sadness and hopelessness. Mrs. Wind felt too guilty, days, nights and even weeks without being able to sleep. One day she went to ask Mrs. Water to conciliate, and that's how they became friends again. No grudges, no fights. Just friendship, peace and love. Yes, it is possible to apologize, it is just a matter of speaking and having peace in our hearts.


  • What changes occur regarding the friendship between Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Water during the story?

  • What did each say about their children? What adjectives did they use to describe them?

  • Why did Mrs. Water start hating Mrs. Wind?

  • Do you think that Mrs. Water's hatred against Mrs. Wind justifies the fact that she has drowned her chilluns?

  • According to this story, how were the white caps created?


Why The Waves Have Whitecaps illustration

By Isabella Botero C., Step 8 Yellow