Thursday, May 27, 2021

Globalization or Impoverishment? In Which Side Are You?

Imperialism or globalization - I don't have to care what it's called to hate it. 
Bill Ayers

 The so called benefits behind globalization come also with a negative impact in developing countries when those corporations bring their production chains to our nations in order to continue enslaving our population with their poverty-struken salaries with which poor laborers feel they are blessly working, but how much can they actually afford with that wage? Our purchasing power is precarious. 

 The fact is that this is basically another modern form of slavery, whose make up is provided by our neoliberal leaders, who are at the same time their economy hitmen that are kept in those positions as part of a well elaborated decoration that is indeed a smoke curtain that hides their plots to take control over everything,  from our underground natural resources, to the work force, among many strategies, this is achieved through privatization of those once statal companies in every single productive field. 

In consequence, this is why you can see, day by day, less opportunities for a growing up society with more equity and equality; moreover,  it has been gradually transformed into a working pool where the most of the population is literally drowning in despair amidst a hopeless future where youngsters are suffering the worst-case. 

The causes of all our nowadays developing and saddened events are not basically going to be solved through globalization because their scalating engraved consequences are enrooted to a system where instead of being looked as saviours, those globalized megacorporations, are rather the evil from the most of our hardships, acting in compliance with corrupted politicians and governments that really have become mafias to favor their selfish interests that have grown as an incontrollable snowball led by megalomania.

Ultimately,  the answer to these neoliberal policies is not to feel thankful for their kindly globalized spirit, disguised  as our leaders, like benefactors, but it isn't neither throwing rocks nor blocking the highways,  since the best battle has to be given through education, when a new holistic generation can come in control of the power with a disinterested altruism to serve their fellow citizens. So, imperialist globalization has to be defeated in the electoral ballot boxes, carefully looking for candidates whose hands hadn’t been stained by that one belonging to their brothers.

By Miss Odilia Pérez,
 E.L.A. Teacher
American School