Friday, November 6, 2020

Recalling The Past

 An Interview With The Past

-Hey grandpa, we always wanted to listen to your story about how you met grandma, could you tell us?


-Of course. It was a beautiful afternoon. I was finishing my homework when my old friend called me and told me if I wanted to go to an amusement park with him and some of his friends. It was Friday so I accepted. When I arrived, almost everyone was there, but it remains one beautiful woman.


-Grandma! -said the grandchildren.


-Yes, it was her. When I saw her, something inside me was saying that she was the love of my life, it was love at first sight.


-We were having some much fun that day, but your grandma had to leave earlier, due to a family problem, but she gave me her number, so we can continue to keep in touch. 

And that’s what we did. We continued talking and hanging out for several weeks until I finally told her to be my girlfriend. At first, she was thinking very much about her answer, but she said yes. 


-Oh, that’s so sweet. -said one grandchild.


-Yes, it was until she and her family had to move to another country, and we had to break up. We were very sad, but that’s what we had to do. 


-And how did you meet again?


-I found her Facebook profile and I texted her. Honestly, I had no hope because she never answered the messages but that day she did.


-So she came again?


-No, I had to travel to her city and her parents met me, they told me I was a good man… But I needed to come to my town again and we separated again.


-Four years later I travelled again, and with her parents’ permission, I asked her for marriage.


-And she said yes!


-Yes, 5 months later we were in the church because of our wedding. 2 months later she got pregnant with your father and 3 years later your uncle was born. 


-That 's so cute.


-Were dad and our uncle good children?


-Well, they were like every other child. Sometimes they behave well but, there were other times that they misbehave. 


*Grandma gets in the room where they were telling the story*


-Hi my love. What are you doing with the kids?


-They asked me about how we met, so I decided to tell them about it. 


-Oh, really? What do you think about it, kids?


-I think it's a little bit like a tragic love, the part when you had to move to another country and left grandpa alone.


-Yes, that was very difficult for both of us, but fortunately we found each other.


-Thanks, grandpa, for telling us your story, we loved it!

By Andrea Parra and 

Nicolle Madiedo, 

Step 9 Blue 2020