Friday, March 6, 2020

Saving Earth

EF Speech

Good morning, I’m glad to introduce myself. My name is Juan Carlos Annicchiarico and I’m in 9th grade at American School, in Barranquilla, Colombia. I'm going to talk about the global issue that I’m most passionate to solve, and the global issue that I want to solve the most is deforestation.

Obviously I want all global issues to be solved, but I chose this one, why? Because deforestation is an issue that is getting worse year by year, and this obviously is not good for every single living thing on this planet, because the trees give us oxygen and without oxygen we can’t survive, we also need to think about the animals that live in places where deforestation is processed for example some forests, when deforestation is happening wherever, lots of animals are being hurt or in the worst of cases dying, and this is happening a lot.

An example that could be one of the biggest and latest is the enormous deforestation in the Amazon region. One day, like every other day, the Amazon started to be set on fire and every day from the start the fire was expanding in enormous amounts, by this tragic and sad news, an incredible amount of trees were on fire, animals were in danger, a lot of them regrettably died as a consequence of the fire, and also a big part of the lung of the world that is the Amazon was burned, that is a big problem to Earth and all its inhabitants. 

So by this, we have to find a solution, we need to at least try
to stop this, because with these steps there will be not many years for our dear Earth. We all need to take all these consequences into account and start to try saving our planet, our unique home, stiop! do not destroy it!, like some enterprises or any group of people that cut the trees from the planet for earning money, our lives and dear Earth are a lot more important than money,  since money can come back, but the beauty of the Earth can't because of those lots of people that do these horrific actions, when lots of animals are staying without a home, why? 

Because they take away their only home, the only important thing in the world is not money, think about others, also on animals, they ́re living things too, like us, you may think that only one person cannot change this, but it can change if more people take into account all these consequences, and if we are a lot, we can change it the way we want, we are many people, if a big part of us help we can do whatever we are capable of, thank you for listening to me. I hope you take this into account and help the planet Earth to be safe... Save our planet, save our home!

By Juan Annicchiarico, Step 9