Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Control Fear

Our Worst Enemy

Emotions will always have a place in our daily lives, I think it is very important to talk about this topic since emotions can also be a barrier for us towards our goals.

They can betray us and at the same time they can help us , in our life you have to know how to handle them. There is something I always say you control your emotions but emotions do not control you.

One of our worst enemy is fear, Fear is not real, the only place where it exists is in our ideas about the future, it is a product of our imagination that makes us fear things that are not in the present and that may never exist. Many are afraid of failure, many are afraid of being told by others, many are afraid to try new things.

In the case of Cus D'Amato, he said that fear was his best friend, that it was a fireball. If you can learn to control it, you can make it work for you, if you leave it out of control, it can destroy you and all around you like a snowball on a hill. You can take it and do what you want with it but let that snowball roll down, and it will get so big that if you try to stop it it will crush you, since fear is like that. He said that most people believe that fear is something to be ashamed of, He said that nature gave us the fear to survive, without fear we would all die.

An example is a deer crossing an open field , when  it is approaching the forest, instinct tells that is in danger and automatically the desire to survive is activated, which implies that the adrenal glands inject adrenaline into the bloodstream and allows the deer performing extraordinary feats of agility and strength. A deer normally jumps 15 or 20 feet, but with adrenaline, the jump may be 40 or 50 feet enough to get him away from immediate danger and then his natural speed will help him escape and survive.

That is why it is important to control emotions. Once you have control, you will dominate. 

By Juan Gutiérrez, Step 9