Friday, March 6, 2020


My Emotions and Yours

When I talk about my emotions
Is like undressing my very soul
I think of something I don't feel like telling
Is gonna be filtered just in a single motion

For many not expressing them is a goal
For me each of them to be unveiling
Is just part of what through actions can be read
So, despite many efforts they are just there

Finding ways to express my sentiments
That are imprinted in my spirit
My voice I used to hide with garments
Sometimes, even I used to fear it

Which is why psychologists are so important
In guiding our very distressed lives
A piece of advice can redirect a blatan
Feeling that is disturbing our vibes

When you cannot resound with yourself
And you feel somehow lost
You look for a hand where to feel safe
A friend that knows and defends you at all cost

From having manipulative tantrums one day
To become an overreactive teen at times, damn!
Passing through maturity gained in life, hey!
I have evolved to become who today I am

A more understanding human being
Somebody who doesn't have any evil in her heart
Who once took the reins of my life to foreseen
What I wanted to upcome from my part

I don't want to control everything,
I don't like to betray anyone,
I only want to be assertive, flexible, not a string
That could be broken and strike back, as a gun 

By Miss Odilia Pérez
E.L.A. Teacher