Friday, March 13, 2020

Role Play

Fantastic Mr. Fox: Adaptation

Mr. Fox: Are you ready sweetheart?
Mrs. Fox: Yes, I am really hungry! Lets go!
Mr. Fox: okay. You take the chicken, I take the water.

(Mr. Fox and Mrs. Fox enter the house of the farmers, the farmers are playing cards, not knowing the foxes are there)

Bean: common, dude! Just put true card!
Bunce: Can you please be quiet? I am trying to focus, if you continue screaming, I will go to sleep!

(Mr. Fox accidentally makes noise)

Bean: Did you hear that?
Bunce: it a ghost?
Bean: what if it is a ghost....
Bunce: No...its probably the wind...Right?
Bean: Yes, yes...sure???

(Mr. Fox and Mrs. Fox, with the food in their hands, go

Mrs. Fox: Honey! That was close, you need to be careful! I dont know what would happen to me and the kids if you die!
Mr. Fox: Dont worry my love! Everything will be lets go home and prepare dinner. Okay?
Mrs. Fox: Fine...

(At home)

Mr. Fox: kids!!! We are home!!!
Little fox 1: Dad! Mom! What took you so long? We are starving!
Little fox 2: yes!
Mrs. Fox: sorry honey, but DADDY GUIDED US THROUGH THE WRONG PATH! Right honey?
Mr. Fox: Y-yes darling! Now lets eat!!

-Next morning-

Bean: Go make breakfast...
Bunce: Its your turn!
Bean: rock!
Bunce: paper!
Bean: scissors! ...ha! I won, now go to the kitchen, and slave!
Bunce: (goes to the kitchen) (looks for food but there is none) Bean! The food its gone!!! It disappeared!
Bean: was it the ghost!!?
Bunce: off course.... Not you idiot! The ones who stole our food were....the foxes
Bean: so what are we going to do?
Bunce: kill them!
Bean: how?
Bunce: Putting a trap... in the yard. And in the night when they come...Cham! We got them! Easy!
Bean: yes! Easy, now I'll put the trap!

(Mr. Fox and Mrs. Fox in the house)

Mrs. Fox: honey, we have no water, can you go to the farmers house to get some?
Mr. Fox: sure honey, I'll be back in half an hour!
Mrs. Fox: bye bye!

(Mr. Fox goes outside, not knowing the farmers are hidden behind a tree)
(Mr. Fox sees the trap)

Mr. Fox: what is this? Its a trap!

(Farmers appear)

Bean: now we got you fox!
Bunce: are you hungry? Are you starving? Well, now that you are going to the heaven of foxes...youll no longer be hungry...

(Mr. Fox starts running)
(Mr. Fox enters to his home)

Mr. Fox: Honey, kids. Run! Run!
Mrs. Fox: what its going on!
Mr. Fox: just run!

(They go outside)

Little fox 1: Oh no, the farmers!
Bean: look! They are there! Go get them!
Little fox 1: dad! Lets go inside that hole!
Mr. Fox: Kids, honey... Inside that hole!

(They go inside that hole)
(3 days pass and they have no food)

Mrs. Fox: 3 days have passed, we are starving honey, what
do we do? If we get out of this hole, we will die!
Mr. Fox: Dont worry my love, we will survive. I have a plan! We have to make a tunnel that connects this hole, to the farmers house! Ratttt!!!
Rat: Hello Mr. Fox, I have the maps here. In order to get to the farmers house we need to make a tunnel this way! Lets start!

(They start to make the tunnel) (They finish)

Mr. Fox: thank you rat! Now family, I am going to get food. But it might be dangerous, so, lets say goodbye. I love you honey, I love you kids... bye, bye...
Little fox 1: bye dad, please be careful.
Little fox 2: bye dad.
Mrs. Fox: Please be careful, comeback alive.
Mr. Fox: I will try

(goes through the tunnel and successfully takes the food, goes back)

Mr. Fox: family, I did it!
Mrs. Fox: Honey! I missed you
Little foxes: we missed you dad!
Mrs. Fox: honey, I will prepare a party! To celebrate the fact that we have food!
Mr. Fox: I will invite all the animals and I will tell them that they all can live here with us!!
Little foxes: yess!

(Outside the hole)

Bean: how long we will wait until they come out!
Bunce: I told you to run in order to catch them!
Bean: I tried to!
Bunce: no, you didn’t!
Bean: just shut up! Im sick of you! I will go to my mothers house and live there with her!
Bunce: fine!

And they lived happily ever after.