Friday, March 13, 2020

A Mental World


The emotion management is very important for our mental health. Managing emotions does not mean to suppress or deny them, but to transform negative emotions into positive ones so that they can help us on our way. 

Managing emotions is the ability to realize, easily accept and successfully control feelings in oneself (and sometimes others) is known as the ability to manage emotions. Very simple, emotion management skills refer to the ability to master your own emotions.

There are many techniques to control emotions, two of them are the technique of emotional liberation that Is a simple technique that is applied as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, the points of the body are covered by focusing on the emotion or the problem. 

Another technique is deep breathing that basically consists of Inspire counting up to 10 gently. Exhale silently repeating the word: "I feel calm or I feel relaxed." Repeat the process as many times as necessary.
Usually people do not have a clear idea of how to relate to our emotions. Most of the time we simply fall prey to its intensity, feeling something that makes us uncomfortable and unpleasant and acting in ways that, coldly, we would not choose.

On the other hand, in some moments we try to gain control but we do it following inappropriate strategies. We tend to repress the feeling, to ignore it, to deny it or to force ourselves to make it disappear. Ironically when we try to run away from an emotion, it finds a way to manifest with much greater force.

Finally, we end up frustrated by our unsuccessful attempts. The reality is that the key to managing an emotion is not to surround it but to cross it. To get rid of sadness we have to feel it, give it space, listen to it. To get rid of fear we have to face it. If we want to end the anger we have to find a way to channel it.