Friday, March 6, 2020

Ongoing News

Resultado de imagen de coronavirusCovid-19

According to WHO Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the Coronavirus which was discovered recently. Both the new virus and the disease were unknown before the outbreak broke out in Wuhan (China) in December 2019. There are multiple symptoms and this disease affects those with a weak immune system, in worse cases, taking away their lives. 

In Colombia, the main concern has been the amount of Colombians affected in other countries, or those who reside in infected countries such as China, Italy and many more. 

As for the Colombian government response Fernando Ruiz, Health Minister announced that they will launch an app so that Colombians become more aware about the symptoms and whether they should go to a hospital or not. In addition, he said that several departments are being trained to make diagnoses as soon as possible. 

As well, not only those countries affected but many more, have recommended their citizens to avoid physical contact either with strangers or those known, washing their hands and wear surgical masks to keep themselves safe. But as for those nations already affected and those who face multiple cases of the virus, the measures are more extinct, roads closed, airports collapsed and inadequate health systems, these among the frustration of the citizens to not get infected. 

By María Camila Montes, Step 10.