Friday, March 27, 2020

Monetary Aid For Those In Need


For the past couple of days Colombia's rate on cases of COVID-19 has continuously increased due to people not acknowledging the fact they need to stay home. 

So the government decided to prohibit any person from going out, except for those who work on social services and those with urgent needs. These exceptions are in order for the country to continue its journey and functioning. 

But the main question Colombians started to ask was, "how are we going to pay for our responsibilities, since we aren't working? 
Specially those whose main incomes come from informal tasks, like selling various products on the streets, or offering services. Taking into account majority of the population receive their income from these tasks, the Colombian Government had to act quickly, and so they did. 

President Ivan Duque among his electoral cabinet, took multiple actions in order to cease the fear of not being able to provide for themselves or their families. With implementations like "Ingreso solidario", "Colombia Mayor", "Familias en Acción" and "Jóvenes en Acción" these programs are based on allowances given to people of certain situations in order for them not going in debt for buying their needs during this time. As well, they are going to be receiving the money virtually, so nobody will have to expose themselves to any harm. This way people can actually feel safe and most won't leave their homes. 

María Camila Montes, Step 10