Friday, March 27, 2020

Land's Future

A Second Chance for Planet Earth Is Possible

Resultado de imagen de a second chance for earthAs time goes by and industries grow, we humans have become the greatest destroyers that can exist, being a danger to the planet and all its inhabitants, including ourselves.

While humanity is so focused on evolving, and industrially improving, it has forgotten something basic and important. They are no longer afraid of the consequences that our actions will cause, which affect present and future generations. Pollution comes with repercussions that we ignore, but can kill us slowly, while our health deteriorates everyday because of losing the purity of the air we breathe and the water we need to live on.

Resultado de imagen de Earth is to be saved by usIt seems is almost impossible to stop the advances in science and make them cope with the environment well being, since  these have been evolving in the past years, and something that we can notice is how the contamination has increased due the technology, also the lack of interest of large companies to worry about the environment has caused irreversible damage on Earth; but fortunately, we are still on time to react and improve certain things, although Earth will not return to what it was in the beginning.

Nowadays, companies stop worrying about the environment, because they only think about satisfying their greed with power and consumerism. They, which are the main generators of polluting gases and throw their wastes into rivers and seas, are the ones who should undertake some developing plans to solve this problem; however, they don't and it seems they won't do it in the near future either.

 It is more common that developing countries have environmental crisis and the citizens have respiratory illnesses like asthma, emphysema, lung cancer, etc.

Also the news about the companies throwing their wastes into rivers and landfields, is something we see all around the world, and it's sad that while some people damage de quality of past clean water, at least 1.000 children died every day ouas a result of sanitary problems that cause diarrhea to them.

Despite this there are many ways to make a change in the nature and little by little being solving this problematics

  1. The industries need to avoid generating polluting waste and if you do process that waste properly.

Many companies do not have the economic capacity to install a treatment plant that filters their wastewater before pouring it into the environment, which is why they frequently skip the rule.  In this sense, there is already a solution: phytodepuration.  An alternative to traditional water purifiers, of extremely high costs, is the installation of a green filter that, through the action of the plants, manages to filter the water so that it is discharged into the environment in the conditions required by law.

  1. Enact pollution prevention laws which oblige industries to implement a plan to reduce the generation of waste and the use of toxic raw materials.
  2. Progressively ban or eliminate toxic products.  These measures are basic to avoid contamination.
  3. Influence the market, promoting the consumption of clean products and buying cleaner products for use in government agencies.
  4. Guarantee and stimulate public access to information.
One person cannot solve the problem, but all of us do, we have to be open-minded to change, change begins with us, and we as citizens have the right to demand from the government and companies for a better quality of life.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

By María Camila Pinzón, Step 10