Friday, March 27, 2020

Industrial Pollution


In many developing countries, there are major problems with the quality of air and water from both industry and construction 

The world is nowadays facing terrible consequences due to the pollution we have caused, the human race has become a plague for the world and all the creatures that live in it, without realizing that all that harm, all that violence and damage comes with repercussions that we want to ignore, for example, we have seen how our health deteriorates little by little due to the poor quality of air and water provoked by the industries that we have created and promoted.

Since the industrial revolution, technology and industries started growing non stop, at the beginning, they were only small plants that caused few pollution, until this small plants became huge industries that polluted everything around them, just to satisfy their own greed of money, power and the consumerism of the population. At the start, the problems this caused was nowhere to be seen, but nowadays, we can see how humanity is having more respiratory illness, like asthma or even chronic illnesses including lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and emphysema.

Implications as on how animals have become extinct, how major cities like Bogotá, Medellin, and huge countries like China are constantly on an environmental crisis due to their air quality, which is so bad that you can´never see a clear sky. Or even huge scandals like the contamination of the waters in Parkersburg in the US caused by the Dupont company, that released PFOA or C8, which is a type of “eternal chemical” , meaning the body can't get rid of it, and caused 3.500 people to get sick due to this chemical.

However, there are many causes of industrial pollution that can be improved in order to solve little by little the major problem we have caused, for instance:

  • Many industries avoid or ignore their responsibilities with the planet because the policies are not efficient, then, let's fix them. 
  • Other cause of pollution is the use of old technology, this due to the fact that old technology tend to produce a larger amount of wastes than the recent ones, but many factories and construction business have refuse to change them because that change is highly expensive, well, let´s force the industries to update themselves. 
  • There are terrible processes like extraction of oil through fracking that present serious risk for our waters, unfortunately, the colombian government is fighting to implement it, let's avoid strategies like fracking at all cost! 
  • It's in our hands to denounce the injustices with the planet, like the layer Rob Bilott did with the Dupont scandal, saving thousands of lifes.
  • Let's begin the change with ourselves, stopping consumerism is in our hands as the consumers, cause if there is no demand, the production will also cease. 

The change is in our hands, in how we change our habits, it can be hard to stop buying a new iphone every time a new one comes out, but it's not impossible to do so. We have the duty to look after our planets, to pressure the governments and industries to do so as well, because everything can be achieved if we all work towards the same end.

By Camila Orozco E., Step 10