Friday, March 13, 2020

Drama: Adaptation from an E. A. Poe's story.



*Family having a happy moment in town*

Mother:guys come sit down, dinner is ready!
Father: darling! the food smells sooo good 

    * Father hugs her and kiss her *
 * Kids sit down and start eating*

Son: mom this food is delicious 
Daughter: dad can you pass me the bread? 

    * Dad passes the bread*
*Kids finish their breakfast and talk about yesterday’s school day*

Mom: so how was your school yesterday, I forgot to ask you ?
Son: it was ok guess, we learned a lot of math which was pretty difficult, I’ll have to go to Simon’s house so that he can explain to me 
Dad: and you my beautiful princess how was your exam ? I hope you got an S
Daughter: it was complicated but I think I pulled it off
Dad: Remember it’s not about the grade, it’s about understanding and learning.
Mom: take advantage of every opportunity that you get, it’s very difficult for your dad and I to pay for school but we make an effort 
Mom and Dad: We love you and we want the best for you always.
Mom: Now go get your chores done and get ready for the day ahead, I’m positive is going to be a good one. 

*They get ready for the day and do their chores* 
 * Suddenly, while doing  their chores, there's a blackout* * Red lights on* 

Outside the walls, there was nothing but suffering.

* Red death appears and surrounds the whole house *
*A hurricane of black smoke was over the family, they start screaming*

mother: who are you? Are you a spirit of evil!??
father: Get away from my family!

        *The red death touches their father (red paint) and he dies*

son: Father, are you okay? 

      *family cries* *Death mask approaches the son and he tries to run but ends up dead*

Mom: You, horrific demon!, go to hell! you killed them,  you know what karma is, you're such a bitch!

*Mom takes the trinche and dies while trying to kill the dead masque*

*Daughter runs for her life, she arrives to the center of town and falls*

*Daughter trembles and acts shocked*
*Death catches her while she is lying in the middle of town, the people of the town are terrified, Death stretches her arm*

*She screams, and finally, dies*

 It was a terrible plague, that killed a perfectly healthy man in less than an hour, and it was extremely contagious. Not only the rate was terrible, the symptoms were a nightmare come true, first, you had problems when breathing, the hyperventilation came next, and then, blood. Blood would come out of every pore, like the eye or the nails. Until the breath of life was extinct completely.

*While the symptoms are described, the daughter acts them out*

This plague didn't care about age or gender, it killed young and old, women and men, and it was impossible to avoid her. The chances for the world were not the best, and a cure was nowhere to be found.

*the extras of town start dying as Death passes by and leaves the scenery*

Desperation filled the life of everyone. Death had devastated the whole world. Thousands had died, thousands were grieving, and thousands were waiting 

*The scene changes, the dying town leaves and Prince Prospero enters*

But someone believed he could deceive death. Prince Prospero. When he saw the situation on the outside, he took some friends and barricaded himself in his abbey, with tall walls protecting him from the outside, he felt safe. The outside world could defend themselves. The only thing that mattered to Prince was his own safety, no matter the price. Disrespecting this role as a prince, and doing everything against it, by not veiling for his kingdom. 

Prince Prospero decided that if they were safe from the plague, then life should go on and they should experience all the pleasures in life. So he threw a masquerade ball, a very excessive and eccentric ball.

*The guests arrive excitedly to the castle*

Prince Prospero: I'm very delighted to welcome all of you to my masquerade! I hope everyone is having a pleasant time while here. I have prepared 7 different rooms for your entertainment, I invite you all to discover all the surprises each one has. Without further ado let's celebrate life!

Guests: Long live the Prince!

*(Music starts again and everyone walk out of stage dancing)*

*(Blue Room enters with a blue light ) *

Blue room: The greatest day of a person’s life, is definitely the day they are born, you are born with wings and a lifetime of opportunities, each and everyone of you is blessed with a gift and limited time, you should use it wisely to shine.  The moment a child is born angels clap their hands in the sky with joy and the moon dances with the stars! A new baby, OH A NEW BABY, is the beginning of all things, so much wonder and hopes. Welcome to the blue room where everything starts. 

*(The guests enter the stage and start dancing with Blue Room, then they all walk out of stage with music playing in the back) *

*(Purple room walks in with music playing in the back)*

Purple Room: Some people say growing up is mandatory, but I’ll tell you a secret, growing up is optional, it is a trap! Oh how I miss being a child with no stress and worries, The eyes of kid are very simple, they see everything with amazement, and questions. The best part of childhood are the memories you make, like playing with your friends, taking your breakfast with your siblings, when your first tooth was growing, and your first haircut!!! Here you can remember those times. Welcome to the purple Room 

*( some guests walk in on stage while dancing and then they go with purple room) *

*( Green Room enters stage with green light) *

Green Room: Let’s be real , no one feels more pressured than a teenager growing up. Having the constant need to please everyone and to add up to everyone’s expectations is very tiring. You realize that broken pencils are better than a broken heart but still partying is great. So yeah , Welcome to green room , feel invited but not too much.

*( The guests and the Green room walk out with music in the back)*

*( Orange Room walks in with an orange light ) *

Orange room: Some days I wish I could go back so I can feel some things twice, but don’t get me wrong ,adulthood is great, you are independent and you experiment new things like having a job, paying rent, and marriage. Being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday. Welcome to the Orange Room. 

*(Orange Room walks out and the white room walks in with bright white lights ) *

White Room: you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions because “you reap what you sow” right?. this is the time in which you’ll realize that you could’ve done something better, just remember that there is no point in regretting stuff, you can’t go back in time. Now everything seems harder, walking, remembering and even eating, your body just won’t ever feel like how it felt before. Hold on tight to your memories, freeze those special moments forever in your heart. 

*( Guests walk in )*

Guest 1: Have you heard about the plague that has been going around?

Guest 2: A very vulgar disease, those villagers probably got it from the vikings of the south, so inappropriate, I can’t even.

*( Guests walk out with white room)*

*(Violet Room walks in with violet lights )*

Violet Room: what is life? At this point you thought that you would know right? But the truth is that the concept of life is perceived differently by everyone. what is life? You probably still haven’t figured it out. Knowing that death is not far away takes an emotional toll on every human. the truth is we have such a crave for living when we’re dying but we just spend our lives doing nothing, wasting our time, our youth and strength. sadly we come to realize how short life is when it is already too late.

*( Some Guests walk around the stage and then go with violet room)*

*(Black/red room walks in with the red lights)*

Black/Red Room: The second we are born , we start dying. So this is not life, this is Death.  You can’t help it , you can hide or run from it but eventually Death will come to you and you will have no choice but to face it or to fight it. Your time will come and when it does you’ll regret every single moment you wasted. But you know , Death has a beauty of its own, it is the final awakening of our life, it is eternity , therefore live while you can because it won’t last forever.
So...Are you prepared ? If yes , you’re very welcomed to the black room and if not you’re as much as welcomed too.

*( Guests walk in )*

Guest 2: this one gives me bad vibes, I rather go to the other rooms Darling. 

Guest 1: Maria, I don’t like it either, it gives me goosebumps. 

Guest 2: We are definitely not getting in there. 

*( The guests walk out)* 

*(Everyone walks in on stage , the rooms align in one corner of the stage , and everyone goes on dancing continuing the masquerade)*

The Masquerade was a success, everyone was having their best time, they were all dancing, drinking, playing, it was like if the outside world had frozen, and the only thing that existed that night was them and only them. Until the clock was about to strike midnight.

*(Tic toc sound plays loudly and all guests freeze)*

Ebony clock:  Luxury, jewels, money, and happiness. Blinded by the richness of their pockets. Ignorants, forgetting what happens around them.
Keep sinning, keep lying to yourself, but you will not deceive the king of kings. The reality will knock on your door, when you don’t expect it, when you don't want it, It will come, don’t hesitate. 
Keep eating while others suffer from hunger, keep laughing while outside the walls there is just pain, keep dancing while others will never move again, keep celebrating the misfortunes of others, keep wasting time the same way you waste money.
For you, the only mistake of the people was not being rich, but death doesn't discriminate, it comes to us anyway. 
They will be punished by their sins, Pray for God’s mercy, pray for forgiveness. Although it may be too late for you.
Time is running, time will never come back, Time has no resentments, time does not forgive, you are warned.

*(Ebony clock walks out and everyone keeps doing what they were doing)*

*( Red Death enters with red light)*

*(All the room appear and surround everyone on stage they start walking in circles and screaming and crying at the guest)*

Blue Room: Who is that, oh no is too soon it can’t be! It's been so long since the last time, I hope you haven't forgotten me, the past
Purple Room: you should remember me, because you'll never come back.
Green Room: Hi, I hope you're having fun (creepy smile and cheerful tone). Are you ready for all of it to end?
Orange Room: are you scared?  Well, you should hahaha.
White Room: (crying) do not follow, please, you are in danger, you will regret
Violet Room: She is coming, she is coming, she is coming, SHE IS COMING TO GET YOU
*All the room shut up*
Death Room: She is here.

*All the Rooms spread and mix with the guests*

Prince Prospero: WHO DARES, Who dares to insult us with this blasphemous mockery? Kevin, Bob. UNMASK THAT THING! 

*( the guards approach to the intruder)*

Red Death: Gentlemen, I would not recommend you to do that…you think you can defeat me! ME?! I’m looking for your royal highness, Prince Prospero.

Prince Prospero: this is ridiculous, I won’t stand this, I'll do it myself 
(Prince Prospero takes a sword)

Red Death: It looks like your Prince is very VERY brave (in a sarcastic tone) But you can’t fight me young man, but it will be fun for me if you try.

*(Prince Prospero follows the intruder through every room, in a zigzag way, until he arrives to the Red/ Black Room)*

Prince Prospero: This is over, I will have no mercy 
(He races his arm with sword in hand, when he is about to hit the chest of the intruder he falls dramatically and the Black/ Red Room receives him)

Red/ Black Room: I told you, is fate, it is inevitable

*(Everyone at stage surrounds Prince Prospero crying and shouting)*

Guest 1: What did we do to deserve this!

Orange room: he was very young 

Guest 2: This is unfair! 

Violet Room: Is it?

*(Red Death laughs and slowly walks out)*

Guest 2: YOU! you are a danger and disgrace for this kingdom, reveal yourself! 

Red Death: I am your last sleep, last breath and last heartbeat, I am the Red Death.

(People began to feel sick, they sob, and cry, and act surprise, but eventually they fall down) 

Ebony clock: tic toc, tic toc, tic toc. It never stops.

Adaptation fused by
Camila Orozco, Step 10
To be performed in the
auditorium J. Emilio Valencia.
April 23rd