Friday, February 14, 2020

Unhealthy Social Interactions


Bullying refers to all aggressive, intentional and repeated attitudes that occur without obvious motivation, adopted by one or more persons against another or others. The person who exercises bullying does so to impose his power on the other, through constant threats, insults or aggressions, and thus to have him under his complete control. The victim is silent in most cases. Bully ingenious abuse causes you to feel pain, anguish, and fear, to such an extent that, in some cases, it can lead to devastating consequences such as suicide.

It is presented at all social levels, in all areas and coexistence is being affected. this issue is something serious and presents itself more in the educational field affecting children and adolescents, who are victims every day of constant harassment, aggression, and taunts.

These aggressions are given by their companions who
mercilessly engage with the one who is weaker or different from them. Currently directly or indirectly, our society encourages discrimination. The diversity of customs in different cultures sometimes implies that what some think is right, for others it may not be. Tolerance plays a very important role in accepting such diversity.

There are several types in which the bullying manifests itself, among the most prominent are the psychological, physical, sexual, and now also very given is the cyber bullying ,where the blissful social networks are used to insult or ridicule schoolmates, and although there is no physical contact they also cause great emotional damage to the victims.

This problem presents a bleak future for society, because children who suffer from it and do so will be the adults of the future, and in the face of a growing population the problem seems to increase. The thought that many adults have personal problems in their jobs and families, because of problems that were products of emotional trauma that were not taken care of, and that the vicious circle seems not to stop, makes us see that the problem is far from being solved.

In conclusion, we know how harmful this phenomenon can be for both the victim and the aggressor, if not properly treated; this is why it is proposed to parents to be more aware of their children, to try not to reflect their problems in making them healthy and confident children, giving them the confidence and attention that is necessary, observing and attending to possible behaviors abnormal at any given time.

Also, talks on these topics are recommended, including inclusion, respect, and coexistence, which are relevant not only to the child or the family but to the whole society to the future, whether in the classroom or the houses, with parents and children to keep them on the lookout for these and we can do something for the future of the world.

By Laura Rodríguez, Step 8 Yellow