Friday, February 14, 2020

Persuasive essay

On Cloning

Everyone has heard about the first successful animal clone known as Dolly. A domestic female sheep and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer 21 years ago. Dolly was successful and pretty popular around the time, it allowed the scientists to promote their work and of course make some money out of it. Due to the time this happened, nowadays the results would be even better and greater results may come out. However, is it morally correct to clone animals? 

After watching the results of successfully cloning Dolly, scientists discovered and proved what they firstly thought was not possible. It opened a lot of doors and possibilities in biology and medicine, introducing many scientific advances in the future. This motivated scientists around the world to try cloning other living things; even though, it killed innocent animals all around the world. 

Nevertheless, Dolly was not the first cloned animal ever. Previously in 1984, two other sheep had also been cloned by the same method. Unfortunately, the lives of these animals were severely affected after this evil experiment. What made Dolly so special was the fact that she had been cloned from an adult cell and lived a healthy long life after that, which no one thought was possible. 

As a result of these experiments, it is proven now that less than 4 percent of clones survive beyond six months. It resulted incredibly dangerous to faultless animals that are put in this difficult procedure. Even healthy animals that survive longer often suffer from oversized heads, twisted limbs, malformed organs and other diseases that may affect their whole organism.

In conclusion, I think it is totally immoral to put these innocent animals and evil procedures that only are made to make profit off them. Animals are meant to be cared for, and not just simply used as a way of entertaining people nor simple living things to experiment with. Dolly was just one out of many experiment that turned out to work. However, we should not allow any type of mistreatment towards the organism that provides us a better lifestyle in general.

By Fernando Lascano, Step 8 Yellow