Friday, February 14, 2020

Risking Your Lives? Get Informed


In this essay I will talk about plastic surgery, the consequences that these procedures bring to people's health, and certain precautions that must be taken when performing them.

It is not a secret that nowadays plastic surgery is one of the procedures with the highest demand in the market because people do not feel good about themselves and want to fit into the social standards that every day make people insecure and try to be equal to others. However, Not all of these procedures are done for that purpose, other people are forced to do it because of a medical condition or because they are unhappy with a part of their body, since they were born and cannot fix without these surgeries.

First of all, it is important to take the best decision and to be
well informed before the surgery because is something that remains with you forever . You cannot return to your natural look if you feel discontent with it, but many people feel that if they do it with a good doctor, they will not have any type of risks; therefore, they do not bother to investigate and inform themselves. 

In my opinion, before having such a surgery, you should consult with several doctors about the procedure and its consequences, because even if it fixes a part of your body, it can also damage another. Any surgery has its risks, such as problems related to anaesthesia, excessive bleeding, infection, scarring, and failure to heal which are very bad for your health and they can lead you to death.

In conclusion, any type of surgery has its consequences, but people in order to satisfy their needs, are not very well informed of this procedures and do not end up in the best medical conditions. 

I think that the most advisable thing is not to do them, unless it is something strictly medical, but in case you want to perform this type of procedure, you should investigate the contraindications, possible risks, and consult with different doctors to have the opinion of some professionals and thus being able to be safer when going through them.

By María José Reyes, Step 8 Yellow