Friday, February 7, 2020

Threatened Creatures

Sea Turtle

Blue, the color everything was
However, blue it did not last
Humans, they are to blame
I beg them to stop, our life is no game

To the shore I crawled, I laid my eggs
Lastly I buried them, sand on my legs
I got back to the sea, tomorrow I’ll come
I’d have to witness the horrible sight my nest had become

Humans, they are to blame
They killed my children
They have no shame
I can’t understand, what is their aim

The world they’ll destroy
The fish scream in fear
But without a world, there won't be joy
All of the life would disappear

It’s all because of humans
They are to blame
Ironically, they are horridly inhuman
“Stop this nonsense!”, I want to exclaim

I am sea turtle
Hawksbill is my name
Right now your mercy I claim
The world without life would not be the same

By Juliana Restrepo, Step 9