Friday, February 7, 2020

Australian Marsupial


People are amazed by my beauty and like my cute booty,
My diamond nose shines as bright as the sun,
I'm the center of every photography, trying the perfect pose,
I see it clearly, I'm the perfection in a person.

The leaves as the runaway, and my arms in the gaze,
The trees told me to stay, without my presence, they faint away,
The fruits glowing for me, leading me the way, to walk the way,
I see it clearly, I`m more perfect than perfection itself.

Animals around me get jealous because they don't how to be me,
But there is nobody but me, because even my burp is the bomb.
Standing in two feet, with high heels and my ego on top,
I see it clearly, I'm illegal because I'm cuter than Holland Tom.

I saw a cute koala guy coming straight, gray fur like me,
And I went "Hey" and sent an event, showing my excitement
and my eyes went wow!, but my heart went auch!
he ignored my request, but I slip it away, 
I see it clearly, no matter what, I stand for the way.

I must confess that before I felt depressed and restless,
But coming along the way, no matter how beautiful I am,
I realized that Koalas are physically the same, but
I see it clearly, I'm perfect just the way I am.

By Manuela Orozco E., Step 9