Friday, February 7, 2020

Zoo Animal?


Once upon a time, John saw a crocodile,
The crocodile sat and stared at him.
John didn´t run, he didn't shriek,
In case it was its lunch.

No move he saw the snapper make,
Its jaws remained tight shut.
While sweat poured down his forehead,
He heard rumbles from its gut!

He was in worse predicaments,
But only in his head.
Like wrestling with big brown bears,
And monsters from his shed!

But feeling brave he shuffled very close,
To see its scary jaws.
The crocodile was not impressed,
And flexed its giant claws!

The beast was prepared to eat him up,
He snapped, he snarled, he blew!
But john just stood and tapped the glass,
Since he remember that the croc is in the zoo!

By María José Durán, Step 9