Friday, February 14, 2020

On Technology

How Does Technology Affect Us and The Environment?

We live in a world where if you are without internet, there is an apocalypse, or when you forget your cell-phones, computers, tablet chargers at home or you lose them, is like you were slowly dying. These attitudes make me wonder, and it is, how does technology affect us and the environment?

It is supposed that the humanity survived through the years without internet (since it appeared in the modern age), despite that, the creation of the wheel started what we know as technology, which means, something created by humans with a certain function, like the pulley, that was created to either rise or lower big or heavy things. That prior mentioned is one of the inventions that revolutionized the world, this is actually used in cranes, construction of the modern skyscrapers, and towers. 

The metallurgy was another of these inventions that changed the world, or well the war, and dragged the humanity to the expansion and conquest of new territories, creating kingdoms and new languages we know till now.

Taking this into account, I can infer that the technology doesn’t just mean the internet, it means the creation of inventions that changed the history of humanity, this meaning that all we see that is created by humans is technology, from the skateboard to the bicycle, from the oven to the refrigerator, from the plane to the rocket, or how a simple feather with black ink became, with some ingenuity, what we know as pen. All these inventions had been created by open-minded people. 

But, how did they affect the environment? Easy, they need to fight nature and its laws, this can cause a big disaster for the simple reason that nature can’t be changed or it was what we used to think years ago. Through technology now we can create the illusion of a water-fall up stream, or create buildings that remain intact after an earthquake.

This drags me into a conclusion, we need technology,
because this means progress; in other words, the humanity hasn’t created what we know now if they hadn’t invented the old creations that are nowadays on museums, or what  important Scientifics, like Isaac Newton, discovered  The Gravity Law, or Einstein, who discovered the nuclear reaction (practically creating nuclear bombs) also he discovered part of the atomic activity.

The perfect example of revolutionary inventions, have you dreamed to fly with and like birds, well, it is possible, why? It is because humans created what we know as planes, this was made up just by a pair of brothers, are you bored of walking around or going on “horse”? Well, thankfully humanity created the car too, this one functions thanks to the combustion of the fuel, this creating mechanic movements. 

But, wait! what about the modern watch?, this in the past was just a stick on the floor, thanks to the shadows humans know what time it was. What about the light bulbs or candles?, what happens if I say that they were just a branch?, so I can say, with all the inventions we have created we changed how the world looks like too.

Since the start of the industrial revolution, technological advances are making global warming to increase, but in that time people didn’t know about it or they didn’t care of it; however, wait! what is happening now?, global warming is still present as the factories release lots of pollutants and contaminate the environment. This creation, in a way or another, affects earth or the environment in a positive or negative way.

By David Estrada, Step 8 Yellow.