Friday, February 14, 2020

Another persuasive essay

Animals Lives In Zoos and Circuses

For centuries, people have mistreated animals by neglecting their right to be free. Trainers keep forcing them to do stuff that sometimes jeopardize their security in order to entertain people. In my opinion, Zoos and Circuses are the wrong way to celebrate the biodiversity and the different capacities that animals are born with. They deserve to be respected, and not to be treated as if they were only entertainment features.

If you think about it, keeping animals held captive is like putting à person in jail. They eat whatever ailment is provided, they have certain periods in where they have to stay inside their cages, without being able to fully enjoy the beautiful environment that they’re actually supposed to live in. Even though in Zoos and Circuses animals may live longer, they’re not able to experience anything other than pain and torture. 

Moreover, people tend to confound the real purpose of those
places. Yes, Circuses and Zoos are involved with education. However, it’s not the kind of education that the industry acclaims. Nor it is the correct way of raising awareness about different threats among people about these innocent animals. 

Numerous studies have proven the failure of zoos and circuses to educate us about animals capabilities, societies or habitat needs. They are more successful in teaching us how to degrade them. They do not deserve to be punished for every mistake they make. Instead, they should be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest in their natural habitats, without putting their lives in humans’ hands. 

That’s why in my opinion, it is unnecessary to keep teaching children to learn how to love and to take care of them. In reality, they should be teaching them to stop caring at all about them due to the way our society exploits them. Billions of them are mistreated and killed every year. Businesses like Zoos and Circuses are just another excuse to make profit out of them, and we shouldn’t promote this behavior by any way or form. They are not respecting their integrity, and it is time to stop that. 

By Valentina Quintero, Step 8 Yellow
