Friday, February 14, 2020


Caring For Wild Species

The Wrong Aspects Of Keeping Animals Out Of Their Habitats

Some people believe that having animals in zoos and circuses is wrong because they suffer abuse from the people that are supposed to take care of them. Other people believe that is cruel to expect animals to survive in the wild alone, taking the risk of being attacked by predators. So, is it wrong to use animals in zoos and circuses? 

A study funded by the government concerning elephants in UK zoos showed that 54% of the elephants showed behavioral problems. Also, 71% of circus animals observerd by a study sufferered medical problems. Then, basically with this information, we can conclude that to have animals in zoos and circuses is wrong. 

In circuses and zoos, they might live longer, however they are not able to experience anything other than torture and pain. At least in the wild, animals are able to what they are naturally supposed to do, without getting beaten for every mistake they make. On the other hand, many people say that is better to have animals in the zoos and circuses because allegedly the animals are safer in captivity than in the wild, as they don’t have to take risk to attain food. Also, is a good way to find out about animals and help endangered species. 

I personally think that is wrong to train animals to perform in
a circus because they weren’t created for our entertainment; however, I believe that is alright to keep animals in the zoo, only if they are endangered, or if they can’t survive by themselves, but apart from that, I am positive that they can’t be kept in the zoo. 

With this information we can conclude that to keep animals in the zoo or make them work in the circuses is bad, because they can suffer either medical or behavioral problems. But, if they are kept in the zoo because of being endangered, I think that it could be possible. On the other hand, making the animals to work in circuses is bad, because they are being treated cruelly when being trained to perform tricks for the circus.

By Andrea Parra, Step 8 Yellow