Friday, February 14, 2020

Batman: A Hero or an Antihero?

Becoming A Hero

In this essay I will talk about Batman, whom for some people  is a normal human being, like any other, but for others he is a superhero, some more consider him just a hero because he has no superpowers, in fact, some say that he is an antihero, but finally he is just a crazy millionaire in a suit.

A family outing to the cinema ended in tragedy for young Bruce Wayne. Walking home, Bruce, and his parents accidentally ventured into Gotham City's "Crime Alley" and were robbed by a man that shot Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne before going into the darkness. As he knelt beside his parent's bodies, Bruce swore to avenge them. After the police arrived, Bruce was comforted by Dr. Leslie. He and Alfred helped arrange matters so that Gotham's Social Services would not take Bruce into care. In this way, both Dr. Leslie and Alfred enabled Bruce to realize his dream of becoming a vigilante against crime.

At age 14, Bruce embarked on a journey that took him to
every continent as he sought to learn all the skills he would need to keep his purpose alive. He studied criminology, forensics, and criminal psychology, and learned from manhunters and martial artists, mastering every fighting style. 

In time, Bruce forged himself into a living weapon to wage war on crime and injustice. On his return to Gotham, Bruce stalked street thugs as a plainclothes vigilante. Beaten by the very people he intended to protect, he barely survived his first night out. As he sat bleeding in his study at Wayne Manor, Bruce knew that he had to first strike fear in the hearts of his targets. Just then, a bat crashed through the window, giving Bruce the inspiration he needed.

I think Bruce Wayne is one of the most interesting people alive, he has a story that is just amazing, he fights crime every and each night, actually he fights also in the mornings, his suit is just art, he has the ability to win fighting against like 50 people without using weapons, just with his own body. I think Batman is by far the best hero, superhero, or antihero created and will be made up. He is an inspiration for all the human beings; even though, he lost his parents at a very young age, he could convert himself into a person that people believe in.

Through this essay, I can conclude that this man, Bruce
Wayne, is THE MAN, he passed through a lot of big difficulties at a young age and he lived to tell his story, if his life had been a test, he would have passed it with honors and medals and all that he could win, because this man is an example of commitment and discipline for all of us.

By Juan S. Mengual, Step 8 Yellow