Friday, January 24, 2020

Persuasive speech about Eco-Quality of Life Project


What is pollution? You may ask, so it refers to the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. It should be noted that this is a very dangerous situation that is happening as of today. Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, all of these kinds, why are they so many? Shouldn’t you be worried? Shouldn’t all of us be worried?

Yes, we should. We should be worried that all of our oceans have been contaminated by our constant throwing away of rubbish and wastes. We should be worried that the oxygen we breathe and the carbon dioxide that serves as fuel for plants is dirty, it is full of smoke and vapor from all kinds of sources, factories, cigarettes, cars, buses. 

What about our soil? The source of food that we under
appreciate so much, were we plant the beautiful flowers we give to our mother on her birthday. Or the plants and fruits we consume to cease our hunger or to feed our pets. Have you ever thought what would happen without the plants we have thanks to our soil? If there weren’t any plants where would the farm animals eat from? Where would we eat from? Are you concerned yet? No?

Then just think about the water for a second, a human being can barely survive an average time of three days without any source of hydration.

If those weren’t enough consequences of pollution for you, let’s get statistical: An estimated 4.2 million premature deaths globally are linked to ambient air pollution, mainly from heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections in children. Worldwide ambient air pollution accounts for: 29% of all deaths and disease from lung cancer, 17% of all deaths and disease from acute lower respiratory infection, 24% of all deaths from stroke, 25% of all deaths and disease from ischaemic heart disease, 43% of all deaths and disease from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

My intention with this speech is for us to wake up, to start taking action because this isn’t something to be taken lightly. The United Nations stated that we won’t make it past 2050 because of how damaged our planet is. Do you want to die young from a lung infection? To be incapable of fulfilling your hopes and dreams just because you chose to not do anything to help the planet because “global warming is a plain lie”?

The change begins with you, it begins with your family, your lifestyle, your habits. Encourage your family to begin recycling and reusing. To stop purchasing so many plastic items, to stop throwing away every container that doesn’t serve its original purpose anymore. Start using that rusty bike in the back of your garage, it is good for you as well as for the environment.

If isn’t your life enough motivation? Then think about you children, do you want a bad life for them? Do you want them to not make it past 10 years old, or for them to grow up without knowing what the stars in the sky look like?

“We shall continue to have a worsening ecological crisis until we reject the Christian axiom that nature has no reason for existence save to serve man.”
Lynn Townsend White.

Thank you.

By Juliana Restrepo, Step 9