Friday, January 24, 2020


Polluted "Klouds"

Ophelia lives in a town where every fairy has a number ontheir forehead, depending on their personality. At Fairytopia, the highest number is 10 which only one mischievous, malicious fairy has. Eva, the devil herself. 

Let's conclude that Ophelia and Eva’s sister-relationship was destroyed when Eva started getting her number higher. Eva was a pretty simple girl, she was shy but very smart, quiet but creative. 

At FairyTopia fairies are assigned to specific “Klouds”, so Kloud 9 is the place where Eva and Ophelia belonged to. Sisters were assigned everywhere together because of their magic blood, but no one knew the real reason as to why that happened. 

The sisters were very well known at Kloud 9, every fairy here was meant to collect garbage and they made sure there was enough potable water. They can also repair and help others, but it isn’t their forte so their excellent job isn’t guaranteed. 

As they grew up, Ophelia was getting better at her work, being above everyone else, but her number never changed. She had a 7 since she was born. Meanwhile, Eva was born with an 8, so Ophelia was always a little jealous. Eva’s number went higher when she was a stand out at her job with Ophelia. However, all she does now is boss everyone to do her work, even to her own sister. Eva was a stranger to Ophelia as of right now, and they were used to that.

One day, Ophelia’s best friend, Aurora (who worked at Kloud 6, Kloud of hospitality and nursery) went running to tell her that there were many fairies sick, from stomachache but that were in the verge of dying. Turns out a Cooking Fairy was accused of making food with garbage inside, but the Cooking fairy said she had nothing to do with that since her team worked with the food that was already sent. 

So, the next bad guy to choose was at Kloud 9, since they are the ones that collect the garbage, and who was to be blamed? Ophelia of course. After hours of saying that it wasn’t Ophelia’s fault, no one believed her and she was sent to the Meany Jail. 

Fairytopia was a mess, Kloud 6 was full of fairies of every type, there was no room, Kloud 9 was mad at Ophelia, but since everyone thought it was because of her, now that she was gone the problem would be over. That didn’t happen. It was when fairies were starving that they realized it, Aurora had tried finding justice for her as soon as possible but there was no proof. 

On a quiet night, she went to Eva’s cave to see if there was any hope within her to help save her sister. When she walked in, she saw Eva writing something on her forehead with a black marker just when Aurora knew. She never had a 10! it was always a 0 and she drew the 1 herself everyday. This was a very bad crime at Fairytopia, Eva begged her to not tell anyone. 

“I will not tell anyone if you tell me, why are putting garbage in everyone’s food?” Aurora said. Eva seemed surprised when she stayed in silence. “It’s simple, you have garbage all around your house, and while everyone does your work you steal their food. I’ve seen it with my own eyes”. Eva told her that she owed a debt to a bad fairy. 

He had told her that if trash wasn’t reduced in a 50% by the
end of the month, her sister would be killed. The number was just a thing she was insecure about, just when the bad fairy knocked on the door and shouted that she had until next day, Aurora answered as Eva, telling him to be at Kloud 9 tomorrow. 

Her plan was to make him go there and make every fairy listen to him while they’re hidden. And that’s what happened, he was sent to jail and Ophelia and Eva were proven innocents. There was a little awkwardness between them but they decided to bring every Kloud to help with pollution for a month, day and night. 

That was it. Pollution was reduced a lot since there was also a new law for it, Ophelia and Eva’s relationship was saved, Aurora was head of her job, Eva stopped making a fake 10 on her forehead, but as soon as they finished reducing garbage, they had no number, but an infinity sign. Everyone admired them. They saved Fairytopia.

The end.

By Katy Simmonds, Step 9