Friday, January 24, 2020

Treacherous Minds

Hazardous Encounters

Vicky was feeling down after her cousin Bill's death. This emptiness filled the roots of her heart.
He was found drowned in a pool in an amusing center, but how could he end up dying that way, if he was and outstanding swimmer, former winner of a gold medal in the Olympics 2058.

2062 wasn't so far what Vicky had expected. In spite of all
the communities committed attitude toward the environment, there was even much more air pollution, since there were not only terrestrial cars, but also flying machines from diverse types, all still propelled by fuel.

Walking back and forth, she was reckoning all those happy moments lived together along with her beloved friend, because Bill and she were not only relatives, but also a kind of fraternal bond had attached them since their very childhood.

Who is his assassin? She wondered many times; but no answer was satisfactory enough.

Finally, she made a decision that could change the outcome of this story. At that point, Vicky recalled how Bill could travel in times of deep concentration to either the past or the present, yet in a spectral way. She was determined to solve the case and find the reason behind her cousin's murder, and the hidden face that perpetrated it.

She had been practicing the spectral travel for a long while; however, now she wasn't sure if she could get back to her own body. Vicky's most appalling fear was to stay as a ghostlike entity, living in the limbo.

Once she regained courage, Vicky closed her bedroom door, turned the lights off, sat in a lotus pose, closed her eyes and started telling the same word: "rose, rose, rose" for as many times as up to she reached Nirvana.

Suddenly, she was able to see herself out of her own body, floating, a spectrum that had no problem to trek to any point in time. In this new experience, she could see how much damage the world had due to all kinds of contamination, as a result from the wrong frame of mind where consumerism was the ruler.

She purposely looked for Bill, but he was just a phantom that
could utter no word. Then, she went closer and asked him why he got drowned, being an expert. Bill's eyeballs were enraged and a red flash of flickering light was just sending a Morse message that Vicky could get as if she had communicated with this code for all her life.

Bill told her that she was right, he was drowned in the middle of a discussion with two other spectral guys he had met in his last trance, from which he was snapped out, terrorized he realized his body was in the pool, instead of in the bed he was before. He saw those strangers and felt a strong hand pushing him to the bottom of that pool, where exhausted, after his spectral trip, he found himself drained and just fainted.

How could this happen to him? Therefore, he asked Vicky to be careful.

She came back to her body to notice the same guys her cousin Bill warned her about, were there in front of her,  but they were physically there. She had already come from her trance, feeling dizzy and weary.

How could you do that? She asked them. The tallest and youngest of the two guys told her that they had created a monster machine that could travel in eerie ways, to both past and present, that it could also transform illusory things into real items or beings; nonetheless, a spooky creature took control of it and now everything that happened to be found by it, in phantasmal forms, became real. 

This was what happened to Bill, who was materialized in the pool, so bewildered and stunned, he could not fight this mean guy who pushed him till drowning him.

We need your help, please. The oldest and shortest of the strangers told Vicky they had seen she was really powerful. Furthermore, she asked how she could help them, to which they answered frankly that they had no idea.

They were still in Vicky's room, plotting how to set a trap to catch the paranormal being that had taken their machine. Later, all of them got into the agreement to look for it by joining all their minds power and they were calling for him to get in the room. 

After 20 minutes, a ghostly guy showed up with an awfully irritated sight. Right after, he asked them why they were calling for him; despite looking sad, Vicky told him to give the stolen machine back to their owners. In spite of her astonishment, the two guys there were invisible, no sign of having stayed there before. What was this? She asked him. 

Going on, this new stranger told her that the real mean guys were those she had been talking to, that he was another victim, but he could escape their trap and now they had manipulated her to bring him back in order to kill him.

Ghastly assertion, Vicky turned around and felt their negative energy, she could also see their aura, sinister and darkening.
She managed to take control of her both mind and body and with her sturdy attitude, she forced them to be far enough from the new guy in the room, whose name was Ralph. They both joined their power to take them to the corner where they, paralyzed, could not think of nothing else, but escaping.

This way, with Ralph’s helping hand, she could take them, despite having a camouflage that could redirect light to hide them. Later, they tied them and sent them to jail in an interplanetary station designed for dangerous creatures from diverse kinds, with some things in common, though: their treacherous spirit, desire to murder, and intrusive bad energy because their aim was to take control over the spectral world they thought that was as polluted as the real one, so they wanted to get rid of everyone on their way.

Words hide plots but clean energy unveils them.

The end.

By Miss Odilia Pérez
E.L.A. Teacher