Friday, January 31, 2020

An Apocalyptic City


3:05 A.M
For real, I need to sleep, but I really need those oxygen masks, I have searched for 2 hours, and still can’t find a cheap one, they are way more expensive than I thought. I still remember when bus tickets were $2.00 each one, nowadays they are almost $12.00, but I can understand it, times have changed,and I have changed too, no more taxis, now we use “Uber Sky”, now we can only use 1 liter of water per day since the water nowadays is almost dried, air pollution is too high also,  that’s why I’m buying right now  oxygen masks, they last for 5 days, which is useful for me. Oh, look that I have found a page on “cybernet” which sells those masks cheaper than usual.

I almost forgot to introduce myself: I’m Richard, and I’m buying oxygen masks because I’m getting ready for an adventure, let me explain it to you. It all started 3 months ago when I saw on Cybernet a post about some kind of  new city called “GRobYc” and what I understood is that it was a new city which was covered by something called the Cyber Wall, which is a system that provides pure oxygen, like the one we breathed 27 years ago. I saved the page to read it later, but after 13 hours it just disappeared. I started thinking about why they will ever eliminate something that could save the few populations of U.S.A, so until now I have been preparing myself for the mission to find GrobYc .

13:56 P.M
In 3 minutes I will be receiving my oxygen masks, I’m actually
nervous, but I have everything scheduled. I have my oxygen going ticket, but I don’t have any oxygen going back ticket, it’s a one way ticket.

Tomorrow is the the day I have waited for so long, but finally I have everything packed, I have stored water and also food, now I’m finally ready. ~Beep Dong! Your package has arrived~ Finally it arrived, now I’m fully ready, there is no turning back, tomorrow I will leave this place and adventure myself into the “forest” of U.S.A.

4:36 A.M
I know it’s too early, but I couldn’t sleep the whole night, because I was thinking of different alternatives that could happen, but I think it’s a good way to start this adventure, I will leave at 5:00 A.M because air pollution is low and I can breathe easily without using the fake oxygen.

4:50 A.M
There is no turning back, see you later(maybe never) house.
It’s so strange to leave home, it’s so strange to walk by the streets, using my own nose, walking as I did 27 years ago, the only thing that has changed is that I walked innocently and now I’m limited to breathe, why couldn’t we stop using plastic Why did we ever create plastic?It’s so funny how we are our own destroyers. At this point I have walked for 30 minutes, and I can start to feel the pressure,it’s time to use the mask. 

From now on, my days are being counted. I attached the  little belt to the back of my head and the oxygen at my back, I turned on the little machine, but it didn’t work. That’s when I understood my mom’s old say “cheap stuff are not always good”, I tried again to turn it on but I couldn’t, so I started to try to turn it on but I couldn’t.

I was betrayed, and as I said it’s a one way ticket, now I don’t know how to turn back home, 'cause now I have walked for 50 minutes and I’m currently trapped in an endless road who used to be a forest, and I know you’ll say to call a friend and use the GPS to get me out of here, but I didn’t bring my phone.

I’m not stupid, I know the government is watching us through our phones, and they’ll know if I’m searching for something, the government wants to hide. Once again, I’m not stupid, I know they “accidentally” leaked this info and I know they deleted because of the avarice, GREED will never end, they think about themselves only, 2 hours, 2 hours since I’ve been walking in an endless road, I feel this strange pressure in my chest “am I feeling air pollution effects?” I asked. Let’s try again maybe now it’ll function, I tried turning on the mask hoping it will finally work, but it didn’t.

5:49 P.M
12 hours and I gotta say it’s kinda impressive, I haven’t walked so much since Uber Sky exists, but I gotta say that I’m feeling thirsty, I took out my bottle of water and drank a little bit, I needed to save some. If I can’t survive with oxygen, then I’ll survive with a bottle of water. And tired, I’m really tired, where am I gonna sleep?I don’t know, I would’ve have slept on the grassy floor, but unfortunately now it’s just a rocky floor with specks of dried grass.

I laid myself in an uncomfortable rocky floor, using my backpack as a pillow, I’m not scared for sleeping on the floor because 86% of the animal kingdom is gone( that’s why nowadays we eat pills, they replace the various kinds of  food we used to eat years ago, we are now what they called before “skinny legend”).
My back hurts, but it’s what I have, right now I’m not wishing to have my luxurious bed, I’m wishing to find GrobYc as fast as possible because I feel how my lungs are dying second by second.

6:42 A.M
As every day I ate my breakfast pills, but today I have decided to explore around my improvised camp,I need to find at least some dry sticks to do a fire, because last night I almost froze, is it gonna be hard? Yes, due to the fact that nowadays trees are almost gone and if I can’t find a living tree, how am I supposed to find a dead one? But I’m a positive person, and I’m convincing myself that what I’m going through right now is worth it.

Minutes have passed and I can’t just stop coughing and feeling this weird pressure in my chest, just  50 minutes have passed, I have found some sticks that I think could be useful to make a fire, and you may ask. Does this man really know how to set a fire? Well yeah, those 7 years of  being a boy scout are finally worth it.

4:38 P.M
I have decided to follow my plan, I just can’t be here anymore, my chest hurts way too bad for being normal and every minute that passes, I feel as if I couldn’t breathe. So now I packed again my few goods and started following my indications in the little map that I tidied 2 days ago. I feel how the weather has changed. now the days feel a little more gloomy than what they were 27 years ago.

I remember when reaching 89 wasn’t a big deal, now if you are 47 you are a legend, why couldn’t we just appreciate our lives? Why couldn’t we appreciate the few things we had? The human being is an avaricious living thing, they can’t just be happy with simple things, the human beings are greedy, they all just want to have more and more, just because they want to surpass each other. Ridiculous, at the end of the day, we're in the same animal kingdom.

I have been walking like for about 3 hours, and I’m feeling strange, like if someone was seeking me, the pressure gets worse as I feel the time passing. Why couldn’t I stay in home?, why couldn’t I just ignore that random post?, why couldn’t I convince myself that it was a conspiracy theory?, as time passes, I’m regretting more and more.

Are some side effects of air pollution hallucinations? I don’t know why but I’ve been hearing some steps behind me, maybe I’m getting crazy because of the lack of oxygen, this pressure on my chest hurts so bad, I hate myself for being so curious of something that is probably a fake, I don’t know how much time I have walked. I checked my watch and Is it possible? I have been walking for 6 hours, time flies, I can see the sunset, but why am I still hearing those noises? Is he following me? I’m too tired to think, I laid myself on the naked floor and as I’ve been doing using my backpack as a pillow.

Unkown hour
Where am I? I don’t know what happened after I closed my eyes yesterday, I woke up in a really strange place, the whole room is white, and my feet and hands are tied with an invisible thing, I’m not gonna lie, I’m really scared, but I can breathe like I normally did 27 years ago, the oxygen seems ...Pure? I hear some steps, and rarely are the same ones that I heard long time ago in the “forest”.

Those steps are getting closer, they stopped right in front of
the door of the strange room where I am, I feel how a door that I hadn’t seen before opens, and a tall man comes in with 3 robots, wait...Robots? Since when robots exist and work? I can’t see the tall man's face clearly, his clothes are almost choking him.

-Good morning, Mr Stellmain!- said the robotic voice of the 2nd robot, I was so shocked that I forgot to reply him back.
-shock is one of the finals stages after you wake up in a place you have never seen before, Welcome to GrobYc!- said the 3rd machine.

Did you say GrobYc?-I asked to the machines, am I dreaming? Maybe it’s part of the hallucinations.
-Seems like you already knew of this place- said finally the tall guy
Umm… o-of course I didn’t- I said
-lying test positive- said the 1st  robot
Lying is not the best option at GrobYc, now let’s do it easy , how did you find out about GrobYc?
I was just doing some camping, at the foreast- that’s the most stupid excuse that I have ever said
How did you find GrobYc- said in a serious way, while he took a really weird weapon that I have never seen before.

I don’t know what are you talking about, Sir.

Beep was the only sound that I could hear after the small room transformed into a suffocating air polluted cube, I felt how the pressure on my chest returned, but in a more painful way, I couldn’t breathe properly, the tall man asked me in a madder way again: “how did you found out about GrobYc?” to get the same answer: “I don’t know”, poor me who was dying without knowing that they had a full equipped technology who let them know everything in my brain, I was dying and lying in vain.

I really thought it was the end, until I heard a door slammed and a robotic  female voice said; “stop killing the human, the brain analysis are ready. Sir, would you like to see the results?”

To be continued….

By Antonella Cantillo Cure, Step 9