Thursday, October 24, 2019

Winner Speech at Biffi La Salle's Oratory Contest

 How can artificial intelligence simplify or reduce physical efforts in the future? What benefits will it provide?

This is the speech which was the first place in the category for 10th graders called Influencers. 

Good morning to everyone my name is Isabella Duarte and this is my partner Natalia Rojas and today we would like that together we can discover the help that we need to finally have a better and brighter future.
So, first of all, we would like you to know that we are considered the Z generation. Experts in the topic have described us as young and super creative people, as the generation of the "here and now": But why? Because we are used to having at our disposal any type of information and our brain doesn’t work in a linear way, but rather with the complex depth with which the World Wide Web operates. We tend to have less social prejudices and are generally present in almost all networks, we live mostly alternating YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram. As digital natives, part of our skills are very oriented towards a technological future.
Technology is everywhere today. It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a technological device. Computers, TV’s, and phones are things that we use in a daily basis. It is for this reason that for decades we have been trying to improve their functioning and intelligence to make our lives easier and more accessible. And the key to this is artificial intelligence.
The easier way to think of Artificial Intelligence is picturing a human being after all AI’s goal is to create a system that can function intelligently and independently. Humans can speak and listen to communicate, they can read and write in different languages, they can observe and process every detail to understand a specific situation, they can create an image in their heads, interpret it and store it, and they can even recognize all things around them and move fluidly through them. Scientists have developed this science called AI in which technological devices are and will continue to be able to develop and act in certain aspects as human beings because of certain characteristics that nowadays technology has, like processing of images, speech recognition, symbolic learning, and language processing between others.
But how does all this information benefits us?
Even if you are living under a rock, there is a high possibility you are tweeting from underneath it. If Twitter’s not your choice of poison, maybe it’s Facebook or Instagram, or Snapchat or any of the myriad of social media apps out there. Well if you are using social media, most of your decisions are being impacted by artificial intelligence.
AI takes all your past behavior, web searches, interactions, and everything else that you do when you are on these websites and tailors the experience just for you, that's why when you are looking for an specific thing, many images of what you're looking for popped up in your screen. The purpose of AI here is to make the apps more addictive so you come back again and again, and I am ready to place a bet that AI is winning this war against you, but not only this, with this property AI allows you to choose the best thing you need in a quicker way.
Now, do you think this is the only way in which AI can help us? Well, let me tell that that if you think that then you’re wrong.
Something that has us all going crazy are video games, this industry is probably one of the earliest adopters of AI. The integration started very small with the use of AI to generate random levels that people can play. However, that has increased to a level which goes far beyond what one can even imagine. When you are playing for example Fortnite you essentially start against a couple of AI-powered bots and then move to play against real players. Even when you are playing a single person story mode game, you are playing against AI bots. So, if you play any game, you are using AI.
And maybe you are thinking right now that, well AI is present in video games and the internet but does it really aids me, with real life complications?
I can assure you it does, AI is not only focused on the internet but also in our daily lives, talking about this, there is no better demonstration of this technology than what smart cars and drones manufacturers are doing with it. Just a few years back, using a fully automatic car was a dream, however, now companies like Tesla have made so much progress.
Tesla cars are a prime example of how the AI is impacting our lives. Did you know that all the Tesla cars are connected and the things that your car learns is shared across all the cars? That means, if you had to take an unanticipated hard-left on a cross-road, all the Tesla cars will know how to maneuver that turn after they are updated.
According to figures from the Colombian Automobile Club, traffic accidents represent 27.55% of violent deaths in the country. Wouldn’t it be nice to let your kid go have fun with his friends and take the car without having the constant feeling of worrying that he might be in a car accident because of using his phone or just a simple distraction?
Statistics show that human drivers get into a car crash every 492 thousand miles while autonomous cars like tesla get into one every 1.92 million miles. This meaning that AI cars are almost 4 times safer than normal cars.
And it doesn’t stop there Companies like Amazon and Walmart are heavily investing in drone delivery programs and it will become a reality far sooner than what you expect. If you think that’s far-fetched, do note that militaries all over the world are already using successful drone programs.

With autonomous cars running on our roads and autonomous drones flying above us, you won’t be able to deny the impact of AI on our lives.
And as if this wasn’t enough the banking and finance industry plays a major role in our lives. I mean the world runs on money and banks are essentially the gatekeepers that regulate that flow. Did you know that the banking and finance industry heavily relies on artificial intelligence for things like customer service, fraud protection, investment, and more? A simple example is the automated emails that you receive from banks whenever you do an out of the ordinary transaction. AI is also being trained to look at large samples of fraud data and find a pattern so that you can be warned before it happens to you. Also, when you hitch a little snag and chat with bank’s customer service, chances are that you are chatting with an AI bot.
If this last prove of the benefits that AI provides us doesn’t convince you then I don’t know what will.
One of the major obstacles since the beginning of times that humans have had to face are diseases that bring frustration, sadness, pain and even death. But not anymore with artificial intelligence, the path that will open our in face of the cure of many illnesses. Have you heard of the word tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a physical condition, experienced as noises or ringing in the ears or head when no such external physical noise is present. Tinnitus is usually caused by a fault in the hearing system. To picture this condition we need to make a close up to the cochlea, for those who don’t know the cochlea is a part of the inner ear composed by 20,000  frequencies, you can imagine a piano in the form of a spiral with 20,000 thousand tiles that sound differently. The exposure to constant strong sounds for example in a construction can trigger the appearance of Tinnitus, a constant sound that drives people crazy because it never goes away. Before AI there wasn’t even a chance to improve this patient’s life. Right now with the development of that technology of the REVE134 the significant improvement for this people’s life is a reality. And like this, AI is used in millions of conditions ameliorating people’s quality of life.
Most of you might be thinking that creating robots or apps as intelligent as we were mentioning may result in the replacement and eventually the extinction of human race if we want to over exaggerate, but actually what we must think is that this robots will never be the same as us they will only make our lives easier, robots will never have the love, passion, happiness or curiosity from where big inventions such as this emerge. Yes they will be able to work and perform activities as us but they will always need us to adjust them, fix them and create them. We mustn’t let our ego, and thought of superiority intervene in our way of evolving and simplifying our daily lives. 
More than just technology and inventions, AI represents “the light in our future” and all of you must think oh! how cliché or poetic, this idea is utopic, but actually it isn’t that off, millions of years ago who would have thought that airplanes would have been invented and look at us now, and we can go on and on, on the goals we have achieved, so who says that AI is not the key to erasing a past of contamination, death, illnesses, violations, robberies. The benefits we have right now because of this science are only the beginning but it's definitely up to us to let the light into the darkness.
Remember “Predicting the future isn’t magic, it's artificial intelligence”. -Dave Waters