Friday, September 27, 2019

The Masque Of The Red Death

Role Play On The Masque Of The Red Death


Red death: Brandon Afanador
Ebony clock: Isabella Duarte
Prince Prósperos: Carlos Guerra
Prince’s mean friend and her brother: Dina Reyes and Andrés Argel
Family: Dad: Santiago Sandoval, Son: Daniel Agudelo, Mom: Natalia Rojas, Daughter: Maria Camila Montes
Masqueraders: Valeria, Daniela, Natalia Del Castillo
People in town: Adriana, Mari p
Assistant Director: Camila Orozco
STAFF: Jessica Ochoa
Sound women: The twins
Clothes designer: Susana Rengifo
Scenography: everyone who wants to help, and principally The girls,


*Family having a happy moment in town*

Mother: guys come sit down, dinner is ready!
Father: darling! the food smells sooo good 

    * Father hugs her and kisses her *
 * Kids sit down and start eating*

Son: mom this food is delicious 
Daughter: dad can you pass me the bread? 

    * Dad passes the bread*
*Kids finish their breakfast and talk about yesterday’s school day*

Mom: so how was your school yesterday?, I forgot to ask you.
Son: it was ok guess, we learned a lot of math which was pretty difficult, I’ll have to go to Simon’s house so that hey can explain me 
Dad: and you my beautiful princess how was your exam? I hope you got an S
Daughter: it was complicated, but I think I pulled it off
Dad: Remember it’s not about the grade, it’s about understanding and learning.
Mom: take advantage of every little opportunity that you get, it’s very difficult for your dad and I to pay for school, but we make an effort. 
Mom and Dad: We love you and we want the best for you always.
Mom: Now go get your chores done and get ready for the day ahead, I’m positive is going to be a good one. 

*They get ready for the day and do their chores*
*Mom takes the baby and gives him a bottle of milk*
 * Suddenly, while doing  their chores, there's a blackout* * Red lights on* 
* Red death appears and surrounds the whole house *
*A hurricane of black smoke was over the family, they start screaming*

mother: who are you? Are you a spirit of evil!??
father: Get away from my family!

        *The red death touches their father (black paint) and he dies*

son: Father, are you okay? 

     *Family cries* *Death mask approaches the son and he tries to run but ends up dead*

Mom: You, horrific demon!, go to hell! you killed them,  you know what karma is, you're such a bitch!

*Mom takes the trinche and dies while trying to kill the dead masque*

*Daughter takes the fallen baby and runs for their lives, she arrives to the center of town*

*Daughter trembles and acts shocked*

Daughter: Goddddd! why is everything so messed up, I’m here all alone with corpses around me, help me, please!, kill me but raise this beautiful baby, she hasn’t done anything wrong, she is pure, she is an angel.

In the castle 
Seven Chambers 

Clock: ohhh, what a sad day!, I wish time wasn’t coming for
any of you, but I guess there is no fall back, no escape, just you and yourself. All of you started as God’s creatures, hearts full with love, not a single wrong thought, but then you went on growing, first you said they were little white lies, then you said this lie wouldn’t hurt anyone, until you realized then that everything had changed. 

You were dirty, your heart was cold, you all alone without any pressure had taken all these decisions, but  what for? you went through all these stages, all the colors of the spectrum: first it was blue, then it became purple and so on, but you all ended up the same, why? why the same colors, why the same end game? Couldn’t anyone of you be different?, couldn’t anyone of you distinguish?, pitty is what I have for each and every one of you, so naive, so hurried, thinking you have forever to make mistakes without any consequences, but that is just my thought.-

*The clock starts to talk with prince Prosperous* 

Clock: Prosperus what are you doing? You are supposed to be helping your town, they are relying on you, but did you dare to leave them behind?

Prince: Don’t be so dramatic, outside it isn’t that bad anyways.

Clock: It isn’t that bad, it isn't that bad because you are here locked up, away from danger. There are corpses lying all over the grounds, children who have lost their parents, entire families that have been murdered, blood dripping everywhere, but since you are not dying, then this isn’t the apocalypse. Now rivers are made out of blood and the skies are full of darkness, just like your heart.

Prince: Don’t dare to talk to me like that ever again, I’m the most important, I have the power to destroy or enrich your life, I command you obedience, I can do everything and anything my dear, even avoiding death, his not compared by a bit to me.

*Prince Prosperous leaves the room in a hurry*

Clock: Naive prince thinks that because he owns power, he owns time, little did he know that time doesn’t have an owner, he's the owner of anything and everything.

Prince Prosperous sends out the invitations for the masquerade ball and starts to prepare everything.

Prince: We need probably 400 tables, 50 magicians, 100 circusers and all the food we can get, this has to be the best masquerade ball of all time, it has to show my power by soberenity, all my friends are coming and they have to be amazed. People, you know what to do and if it doesn’t go as I wished for, I will throw you myself to the masque of the death. 

*All prince Prosperous friends start arriving to the castle*

Prince Prosperous : Welcome to my ball, I wish this is the best night of your lives.

Alia: Mohammed, my dearest brother, we are here together to celebrate death, this is my chance to marry Prosperous and become the princess of this realm.

Mohammed: Oh, my beautiful princess!, let’s hope Prosperous gets an eye off of you.

Alia: With just one word, he’ll be in love with me. You also
need to get a girlfriend, a rich one we need to keep our family’s legacy and that can’t be done if we are poor. let’s dance.

*They start dancing and suddenly when the clock marked midnight a tremendous sound came along…*

Clock: You ignorant sinners, that only think about themselves and money, while people are dying outside, you're doing a feast in here. You’ll always end up dead, so I won’t worry, and you Prosperous, all your fortune won’t help you escape from death, prepare yourself, it will be nasty.

*The ball continues*

Extra in the ball (Valeria):  Act arrogantly, just say hi to prince Prosperous and have a rivalry with Alia, since you also want to be the princess of this kingdom.

Extras in the ball (Natalia and Daniela): Improvisation of how delicious food is and the amazing cirque acts that they are seeing.

*A thunder sound appears and the death masque enters the masquerade ball*
Prince: How do you dare to insult me in this way?, no one will enter this ball without my permission, I’ll kill you if I have to get yourself out of here.

Death: hahahaha! I’m already dead, you stupid prince, and will you try to kill me?, If you get at least one foot close and you’ll be immediately dead, don’t try it please, is really sad for me to see everyone dying.

*Death goes to the black and red chamber and prosperous follows *

Prince: You think I’m a joke, this sword in some seconds is going to tear your throat up, I’ll cut piece by piece your body and keep as a souvenir, you think I’m weak, well I can show to you, I’m definitely not.

Death: You moron, I have been telling you that you can’t kill me, but I do and I’m tired of listening, so tell your goodbye prayers and ask Jesus to forgive you cause you are going to hell.

*Prince Prosperous tries to kill death but ends up dead lying on the floor. ( Extras become outraged by the sudden events. Alia cries for the prince, falls to her knees, and cries in pain. Suddenly, they all try to kill death in honor of the prince, and in a quarter of a second ended up dead*

Clock: For death this was as easy as taking a candy from a
baby, he killed the whole town without even blinking, now in his miserable after life, he will realize that not all his fortune could have saved him from death, you may delay it but it will definitely come for you.

Death: HaHaHa! he thought he could beat me, outstaged me, but no one can escape from me and remember... each and every of your sins will be paid in hell!, Hahahaha!

*All masqueraders are lying dead on the floor, Chopin's Death March sounds in the background*

By: Dina Reyes, Isabella Duarte,
Natalia Rojas and Daniel Agudelo