Friday, September 27, 2019

Royal Troubles


Long ago in London, the monarchy decided to let a queen rule, something strange, because back then, men were the respected ones, they were the one supposed to rule, but king George V died and he wanted his only child, Elizabeth, to rule the country, and as his wishes were orders.

When he died, Elizabeth was his successor. At first she was really scared, she didn’t know how to do be a queen, how to rule a whole country, that makes her really nervous just to think that now the whole kingdom was hers and she needed to rule, to succeed because she needed to show everyone that women can do the hard work, that women are more that baby-making machines. 

And at first, she was like a little baby who doesn’t know how to walk or what to do, what to say to people, but through time she learned, she became a real queen, someone to be proud of, she was happy. 

When she was 27 years old, people started wandering
why  she didn’t have a husband, she was getting old and the kingdom needed a successor. So, as she got older,  she was desperate to find a husband. 

Then, she decided that she would marry his best friend, who was better for the job of beating a husband than his best friend, at first he refused the offer, but Elizabeth didn’t get tired of asking, she was persistent, and at the end she convinced him of doing what she wanted. So, one year later they got married, and because queen Elizabeth did not like wasting time, they started creating heirs one year after the marriage. 

The firstborn was named William after his father, as he grew up, his parents couldn’t avoid noticing that he was amazing, he was born to be king because of his attitude, discipline, his behavior in general, was one that deserved the crown. Elizabeth was so happy to see how her little son had such a great personality that she decided that we needed to start classes to develop his characteristics, so he started taking classes of how to be a successful king at the age of 5. 

William said his son was too young to take those classes, but Elizabeth said that it was never too early for someone to learn on how to rule, especially is he was the heir to the throne. 

Unexpectedly, one day William woke up to the news that Elizabeth was pregnant again, he was beyond happy that he felt very excited for the amazing news. 9 month later his son had been born and they were full of happiness, which didn’t last long, due to the fact that his little son, Harry, was not like William, he was messy, crazy, he did what he wanted and when he wanted to.

Queen Elizabeth tried to make him focus on things he needed to, but she couldn’t. Years went by, the heirs grew up, and as they  did so, they became more mature, well at least William did, Charles wasn’t someone his mother was proud of. That guy had caused a lot of trouble in the castle, rumors and scandals about him were everywhere, his mother was going nuts with him, she knew that he wasn’t going to be king. even if he was the only one left, he didn’t have neither the spirit, nor the strength to be king. 

He served in the marine, he loved helping people, but he couldn’t be a king. When Harry was 24 years old, he had a girlfriend that his mother disliked so much, she told him to breakup with her several times, and  as always he didn’t follow the advice. He even married her, and here is when the things got ugly. His mother couldn’t stand it anymore, Harry could not respect her or her orders, but he needed to respect the blood line. 

That was the moment when Elizabeth lost her mind and
decided to kill Meghan, Harry’s fiancé. She planned all perfectly. So, one day after a big event, Meghan was inside, Elizabeth told Harry he was invited to dinner in her house, so he went in the car with his mother, while Meghan was in the other car with two of her friends.

When Harry got home with his mother, he received the awful news that his fiancé had died, a part of him knew it was his mother's fault, but the other didn’t dare to believe it. 

Elizabeth was happy now, she could find a new girl for Harry, someone who deserves being part of the blood line. Then 3 days after Meghan’s death, something strange started happening at the castle, it started with things moving by themselves, then shadows, but a moth later, it was so strong that it talked.

Elizabeth knew Meghan was haunting her, one night she was asleep and Meghan appeared, she told her that she will haunt her till her death. Elizabeth told William about it, but he didn’t believe her. So life though, pays off. A year later Elizabeth commited suicide in her room, she couldn’t take it anymore. 


By Brandon Afanador, Step 10