Friday, September 27, 2019

Drama's Script.


Keily- Narrator
Antonella- Fortunato
Juliana- Montresor

K- Today we will be presenting the horrific story of a murder full of revenge, horror, and suspense.
Montresor starts planning his revenge against Fortunato.

J- That Fortunato! I hate him! How dare he doubt about me like that? I know! I am gonna kill him, so I can finally get rid of him.
I will go to the festival first and I can carry on with my plan.

A- Oh, hello! my friend Montresor.

J- Hello Fortunato, how have you been?

A- Oh! really well, this festival is awesome, how’ve you been?

J- Oh! really good, you know? I just bought some Amontillado from this guy that I don’t really know, can you help me verify if it is authentic? you know, we can just try some together, let’s go to my house you know, where I store all my wine and alcohol.

A- Sure, I’ll be honored to go.

J- Ok, but I thought you were busy with this other person, right?

A- No, I am not busy with anyone, let’s go.

J- Ok sure.

K- But the Amontillado was just and excuse.

*They arrive*

A- This is a really nice place.

J- yeah! I know.

A- Oh!, that hole in the ground is kinda weird.

J- Yes, that is in fact really qeer, what could it be? *Pushes Fortunato*

A- *Screams*, Help me, oh no!

J- I hate you, now you will die in there. *Starts burying him*.

A- Oh! no dear Lord, I am dead.

K- The end!

Step 9