Friday, September 13, 2019

Dreams That Fail

A Fake Life

In a little town in Texas, lived a beautiful, caring and responsible girl named Hanna, her dream was to become a professional and recognize singer, but nobody believed in her, everyone said that she wouldn’t be able, no matter how much effort she made, the only one that believed in her was her mother Elizabeth and her sister Mackenzie, but Hanna didn’t care and kept practicing every day without listening to unuseful opinions.

Besides singing, she learned a lot of instruments like the piano, guitar, violin, also learned choreographies and she wrote a lot of songs, she loved music with all her heart but also she wanted to shut everyone and prove that she could do it, 
one day when she was at school, she found a poster of a talent contest pasted in all the walls, but it wasn’t a regular talent contest, there were also going to be judges of all around the world, basically icons of the music and the one who won could record an album with an important discography, it was her dream come true, it was her opportunity to show the world that she can and she would, she enrolled in the contest. when the day arrived she was very nervous but she sang with all her heart and soul and won, Hanna traveled to Los Angeles California to record her first album and she was so excited that she couldn’t even talk.

When the album came out to the public it was a success, everyone loved it, she couldn’t believe it, it was her dream , she finally accomplished her goal and showed everyone that she could and that she was able too.

After she went back to Texas, everyone wanted to be her
friend, everyone wanted to be around her because at that point she was famous, she acts  the same as before and stayed with the same friends as before, the real ones, Hanna graduated and moved to Los Angeles to continue her career as a singer, at that moment every discography wanted to record songs with her so it was pretty easy for her, she finished some albums and songs that everyone loved once again. months past and she started to be more famous or recognized at the point in which she couldn’t even go out of her house alone, she needed a bodyguard at every moment.

She couldn’t be a teenager anymore, now she had a different life and with time that thought of her wanted to be more and more famous changed, She fell into the world of drugs, alcohol, ambition, etc. with the time she started to feel more and more unhappy with her life and with herself, although she was doing something that she loved that was to sing, didn’t like the life behind it.

The fake life, full of lies, additions, and trash, she always showed to the press and paparazzi that she was so happy with her life and music and everything, but on the inside she was just a broken teenager living a fake life.

By Natalia Rojas, Step 10.