Friday, September 27, 2019

Drama: Role Play



Cast of Characters:

Katty S: Narrator

Valentina C: Fortunato

Juan C. G: Montresor

KAT: Montresor vowed revenge against Fortunato, who had borne many injuries of Fortunato, but had enough and time had come.
VAL: Shut up! you’re so useless! Why do you even have the nerve to talk to me?
JC: Oh, yeah! Try me.  (leaves)
KAT: Fortunato was very drunk and had an interest in the Amontillado wine.
VAL: Oh, my God!, is this Amontillado authentic? I’m veeery deeeeply interesteeed!
KAT: Fortunato unfortunately, had no ides about what was going to happen. Oh dear!
JC: I can lead you to the catacombs of the Montresor’s family.
KAT: Here, is where Montresor saves his wine.

          (Minutes later, they were walking further inside the


JC: Here, you have some more wine, there’s plenty!
VAL: Oh yes, I love it! No problem.
JC: My pleasure!
KAT:    Later, Fortunato starts coughing very intensely.
JC: I think you should return, you’re very sick.
KAT: However, they keep walking to their destiny and Fortunato is still amused by the Amontillado.
VAL: I can’t wait for the Amontillado!


KAT: Finally, they reach into a man-sized hole that is part of the wall of a really nasty crypt.
VAL: Wait… what-
JC: *Pushes Fortunato in it*
KAT: Montresor begins filling the hole with bricks very fast.
VAL: Please, have mercy! Let me out, please! I’ll do anything you want!
JC: I said, “try me”. Here’s me trying. Sorry, not sorry.
VAL: Please!... Montresor!
KAT: Fortunato then is left with no more lines to beg, and Montresor is only one brick away from closing him up.
VAL: *Jingles his bells*
KAT: Montresor has finished putting the bricks and leaves him there to die miserably.
JC: This whole affair happened 50 years ago, nobody has found out.


Step 9