Friday, September 27, 2019

A Weird Story

Unawared Spies

I will tell you a very strange event that happened to me a long time ago. Well, what happened to me and my well-known Hortensio Lafre, one-eyed like me.

I lost one of my eyes as a child, because of a hunting accident when I accompanied my father. Precisely this hobby that became an obsession, ended up sinking his business and leading us to poverty.

My mother settled in the humble Latin Quarter of Paris with all her children. And growing up, I got an honest job in an insurance company. I had to go to the homes of the insured to collect the monthly payment.

Thanks to this work I met Mr. Lambet, an honorable and elegant man who lived alone in a small house in Mont Parnasse.

One day that man told me:

- Do not take it badly, but you should put on a glass eye. In
this way, you could find a better job. It doesn't attract much a one-eyed man, but a man with a glass eye. Now they make eyes so perfect that it's hard to tell the difference ...

- Yes, I understand- I said- but Mr. Lambet ... how could I pay for a glass eye? Surely it is very expensive, and you already know where I live and under what conditions ... I would not have enough money to pay for it.

- Yes, I understand ... but ... it reminds me so much of a deceased son of mine! Let me do something good for you. Let me help you. I know a person who could get a glass eye for you. His name is Monsieur Tricot. He is a merchant friend of mine. Works with lenses and of course, with glass eyes. Go tomorrow and we'll see what can be done ...
I left there totally perplexed, but moved by the kind gesture of that man. And, although my family did not finish trusting, I went the next day to see Monsieur Tricot.

Upon entering his shop, he welcomed me with open arms, and made me feel like a son. He began to search among dozens of glass eyes and placed one so perfect in the basin that I almost cried from the emotion when he looked at me in the mirror. When I asked him about the price, he replied: 
- You just have to thank your benefactor, Mr. Lambet. Everything is fixed and ready to go ... And don't forget to take your eyes off every night and put them in a glass of clean water. This will not mess up the color of the eyes. Glass eyes are very sensitive to moisture and humidity…

However, the last night before returning to Paris, something strange happened. I was in bed because I could not sleep. It would be about twelve o'clock at night. Then, I heard the door open, with that squeak so characteristic of rusty hinges. Of course, I didn't even move, but I looked for the person who entered. He was the owner of the hostel!

Surprisingly, the only thing he did was taking the glass with my glass eye. What would he want my glass eye for? After a couple of hours, he returned with the glass and left it in place.

The next morning, I didn't notice anything strange in the eye.
But it did not stop there. Already on the train, another coincidence happened. The person sitting next to me was an acquaintance of mine since childhood, my dear friend Hortensio Lafre, who was one-eyed, like me.

- Hydrangea! What are you doing in Hamburg?

- Well, I'm  a merchant.

- Yes? And what do you sell?

- Glass eyes ...

- Like me!

- Do not tell me! What a coincidence! Well, I came here for a benefactor who paid me an eye ... since then ...

- A benefactor, you say?

- Yes. The truth is that the man was very kind to me. He told me that he reminded him of his dead son! Then, he took me to Monsieur Tricot and got me this job.

- The same thing that happened to me! Wouldn't your benefactor be a tall, gray-haired man with a pointed beard?

- The same!

- Mr. Lambert!

- Before me he introduced himself as Gervasio Turlot ...

- How weird!

After telling him what I experienced that same night, we decided to go to the police station to tell our whole story. The officer was so amazed that he could barely say a word. He asked us for the glass eyes and returned after a while with his eyes split in half. Inside each of them was a tiny silk roll with tiny characters. They were messages related to the commission of a murder and the debts of an army officer! 

There was no doubt. Mr. Lambet or Gervasio Turlot had been using us as spies. Without us finding out!

By Juan Camilo Gutiérrez, Step 9