Friday, August 30, 2019

Another adventure

The Beginner

When I was admitted to the law faculty at Vancouver University, they immediately asked me about my hobbies, for what I wanted to practice after class, and which club I wanted to join. 

I honestly wasn't neither good at art class nor sport, but because it was a requirement, then I decided to join the ski club. Most of the meetings were about techniques and equipment, so I was pretty chilly just by listening.

But, one day, Robert brought some pictures of Mount
Washington and everybody tought it would be a great idea to go and practice their skills. So, there I was staring at a cliff and I couldn't move; however, all the team had easily crossed it, along with their poles and plates. Diane was trying to persuade me, but I didn't know anything about ski and during all trip I felt out of place.

She made signs to the others and the next thing I knew  about was zipiling my way down to the other side. Later,  I understood that they truly cared about me, so perhaps I could give ski another chance. 

When the sun set, we decided it was time to return home, but suddenly we heard howls, meaning the wolves were hungry.

Right after, we ran to the nearest cave and stayed there. It was covered with ice, it was almost an igloo; therefore, we waited around 3 hours till the howls and steps vanished in the air.

I felt pure adrenaline in that trip and I can't wait for our next adventure in Finland!

By Jessica Ochoa and 
Valeria Villera, Step 10